Did those young cd's of yours catch/assist in catching that sow raider54?? Good job, those two old timers can get around pretty good!!
Normally I wouldnt say anything offensive about one of my friends but in light of this recent name calling (PUSS) I will answer your question! Yes! Max was the only bulldog on this big hog! "Mason" (aka) Mr. Needs a GOOD CD! turned his bulldog loose, I gave him plenty of time to get there and turned the two 8mth brothers loose. After assisting the two older guys over the fence I got to the bay and what I saw next was nothing short of desturbing! Phillip had this big sow legged up and Max (8mths old) was locked up on this monster's snout, Zelda (11mths old) locked on an ear and Zig was on the other ear, Now here is the part thats hard for me to talk about. If you go back and read masons first post you will see he said he "Began Sticking" but he didnt finish sticking because I had to wrestle him down and take the knife from him, he was wildly slashing and stabbing and I will tell you he had hit this hog every where but in the body. Seeing that we had two puppies on this big hog I figured I better help PHillip (Daisydog) dispatch the beast. Once Phillip and I had nuteralized the situation we saw Mason under a cedar tree near by. He was in the Fetal Position rocking back and forth chanting "Where is my Bulldog, Where is my Bulldog" One of the older gentelmen told mason that he was fine, he said when you turned him loose he ran and jumped in the back of my jeep, he appeared to be cold! Phillip said NO, he wasnt cold, he was scared! Mason was really shook up so we took him to the ER, they gave him some type of anti-anxiety medication. Phillip told me he went to check on him this morning and believes he will be fine. Mason I hope you are OK and wish you a speedy recovery. Dont worry about what happened yesterday I have two pups that are comming on very well despite the fact that your dog abandoned them yesterday.