How would you start hunting a coon dog? I have a blue tick and a blood hound that I have started. I trapped a coon and drug it in the trap and got the dogs to trail it and bayed it. How do you get them to bark at a coon in the tree? Is that something they learn on their own? Should I keep training them with one in the tree? I dont have an older dog to run with them, so I am curious to learn what I should do. Thanks
How old are they? the bloodhound likely will not make the greatest treedog,the bluetick should tree way better. You are sortea on the right track for pups but after they trail it pul it up a tree and let them tree or tease them up and encorge them to tree,you can also turn one out w/ a head start and see if they can trail n tree if but don't over do it,the woods are the best place. Treeing is mostly genetic vs learned/taught but some can be taught to some degree it reall depends on there age,set up some feeders were you hunt them,I hang tires in trees about 8' high,fill w/ corn n water put a few of them out 100-150 yds apart near a creek or slough and keep taking them in that area to inrease there chances of finding your target game.Were are you located at?