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Author Topic: blue pit bulls  (Read 6371 times)
Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2009, 02:22:38 pm »

I'm with cracker on this one, when you breed for a specific trait, you take away from other traits. I used to breed game dogs and when I would see a yard full of big pretty dogs I would turn and go home. You breed for looks and other traits suffer. In a bulldog the trait is gameness, cut and dry. I also believe you cannot train gameness(heart) it's bred in them. The funny thing is, 20 years ago there were no blue pits. This is my point, you don't breed years and years of black or brown or white dogs and all of a sudden blue dogs turn up. I believe the line of blue dogs are not the true gamebred pits of years ago. Something had to be crossed in to get the size and color they are today. One hundred pound blue dog, how did that happen! I believe people breeding these petbulls are ruining the best breed in the world. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying blue dogs won't catch or will let go. I have seen a blue dog catch and hold. Just in the long run, it will destroy the true APBT. Just my opinion to each his own.

Beejay,I agree w/ you.

Can blue dogs catch...yes but are they true APBT's?,not historically,the y have "pine in the oak pile" not the real thing,too much other breeds infused for color,size etc.

I think everyone who owns any form of a APBT should study the old lines and game dogs and the history behind them.

Please understand this is for historical purposes only....also notice,no blue dogs.

Also,I didn;t pick the music,just the links for reference.

I agree with you Underdog. Those big blues might be good for pulling but I don't think they could catch like a old school pitbull, standard scotts type bulldog or a Dogo. Some of these BIg blues are over 100 lbs at 18 to 19 at the shoulder. That and a very short muzzle which would make breathing harder for a dog.
Underdog you have some nice Bulldogs=).

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