My father in law was down there to with his little custom go cart and 48 olds.
Is it a go kart that he and his father built years ago? I saw one with a note about how long ago the go kart was built, just don't recall the details.
Larry (Mandi's dad) also shows a 1933 Ford, all original. Many best in show awards on that car. Then his other hot rod is a 1935 Plymouth. I don't have any good pics of either of those cars. This past year, he sold a couple of 40's Buicks, one was a chop top, both needed restoration. Some guy drove out from California to pick them up.
I wanted to restore an old Chevy pickup about 5 years ago, but I don't have the $$$ to do one right. Lots of 6 figure cars at the autorama...