You guys are something.
i assume that means that we(I) came off sounding a little something like sour grapes. so let's clear a few things up. it was really cool to see kevin and tim, and you too at the beginning mr mason. i think it was really cool that they showed them going through all the steps and stuff. they never say or show in the text "Texasboars" though, like they were trying not to promote any hunting. and of course i would have liked to have seen some of our footage on there, we thought they were as excited about the hunt as we were.
but even beyond that,
where was the hunting?other than still pictures, it was cut out because it didn't jive with the History Channel's formula. nowhere was a hog shown being shot, dogged, or hunted in any way other than being trapped. in other words, they(The History Channel) chose to exclude hunting.
and i have looked through my guide on the info for the replays of this episode. they all say "Original air date 5-28-08" , meaning they are replaying the same episode. Monsterquest doesn't do multiple part episodes usually.