Gentics Every dog I own better gets some under if there is more hogs!! I never let a pup bay while tieing or a tied hog!!When I catch than they are to go on!! but try and let some one else handle the hog and you coach the young dog on!!!
Bred right, ( genetics ) and exposure, you will have a different problem, you have to put some handle in the good ones to to keep them from rolling out when ya ready to go home or leave a place.
That or just just keep hunting until they are tired.
As far as rolling out goes. First they have to have the hunting drive and then its all about how you handle them. Sometimes its more about what a person needs to aviod doing rather than what they need to do. Don't ever let them get into the habit of chewing on a hog even a dog that will roll out can get into the bad habbit of chewing on a hog after its killed. Don't encourage a young do to bark at a dead pig or a tied pig as training or to "show them what a pig is". It might be fun at the time but it only breeds bad habits. You might say they have to start somewhere but I say they need to start on a free, live pig in the wild. It they cant hang with that then they are too young at the time or they are not suited for me personally. Personally...I consider it the lazy way or the easy way out. Thats not to say I have not done those things or will not do them again. However, the more I do it the lazy way, the more I see the light and the less I like that way of doing it. If I look back to the past, every dog I've started 100% in the woods has made a better strike dog and more inlcined to roll out than those that I've started on hobbled hogs or hogs in a pen. Just my 2 cents. Some might not care either way but If you want a certain kind of dog then you have to start with the right kind of stock put the effort into starting them the hard way in the woods rather than the easy way in a pen or on a hobbled shoat.
Here's a story about rolling out and a black Cur btch that anybody would have been proud to call thier own. She would bay a group like any good Cur dog should and she could count hogs and would not stop untill all the hogs were dead or caught. She had several nicknames...Midnight and Flashlight. If you turned her loose at sunrise, it was bound to be midnight before she came back in or you would atleast need to take a flashlight and go get her. One particular hunt in the mid 1980's about the time I was born this dog was in her prime. It was winter time and perfect weather for a dog that was inclined to hunt all day and then some. Just over a dozen hogs were bayed and shot that day. The men took a break at luch time to cook some sausage but Midnight stayed in the woods almost certainly baying hogs somewhere. After lunch they tracked to midnight and she had a number of hogs bayed a hog was shot only for her to roll out and be gone on another hog. This continued untill just before dark as the men approached another bay, each man just about tired of killing hogs. One man asked who was gonna shoot the hog and another man said "Damned the hogs just catch that black dog".