Take it from a hog doggin bow hunter who has shot from a chopper..... It is the exact same concern, roles reversed. Choppers effect us no more or less than we effect bow hunters. Yet, because we do not have the experience to understand the method, we are concerned about its impact on our sport. By far the most productive thing any of us could do is learn about other disciplines, accept each for what it is, and band together to protect ALL hunting/depredation control rights as a whole.
that's a nice dream Steve but it'll never happen. It's the basic mentality of today's society in general. you can go on any hunting based forum and see bashing against every other method except for the method they choose to employ. Heck, you can find compound bowhunters griping about rifle hunters. Then you get traditional guys shooting recurves and longbows bashing on the guys shooting compound bows. then you get guys bashing on guys that shoot animals behind high fence, or bait etc..... it'll never end because people always want to have something to bitch about instead of enjoying themselves. There are enough animals to go around for everyone doesn't matter the species (except sheep, goats, and some bears of course) but there's still gonna be people pissed off because they some how feel it impacts THEIR hunt negatively. If people would quit sitting around griping about what other methods hunter's are using outside of their chosen method and spend half as much time fighting against the anti-hunting organizations, we'd be a damn near unstoppable force. BUT, it isn't that way which is why it was so easy for hogdogging to get kicked to the curb in Sam Houston National Forest.
i'm done preaching now.