If I have a dog that is 4 to 5 years old and is not extremely solid in every phase of his working style on hogs and cattle both, I consider that dog a cull and wonder why I didn't figure it out sooner.
In most cases you may be correct.....but I have owned an exception to that......I was given a "cull" dog that was 4 yrs old. He didn't impress me the 1st two hunts i took him on.....but the third hunt he clicked....(at 4yrs old) and he got better everytime I took him. He would strike at first but wasn't rough at all, then he got cut bad, after rehab time....I was afraid he wouldn't hunt or would bay off, but he was grittier than he had ever been....he got better until the day he died some 3 yrs later.
I know this is a rare case...but needed to be said