The best dog I have ever had was actually found in the forest while I was training a few dogs with 1 of my older dogs. My older dog hit a 170 pound boar with 2" cutters and the youngins answered and went in and took a beating and out of the forest came a dog that joined in and shut the boar down! I placed ads in the newspaper and left a note at the spot and noone responded for almost 2 months and so I ran him and used him to train my younger dogs and then one day a guy called and desribed the dog to the T and so I told him where he could pick him up at. Got a case of Heinekens for returning him home but man I miss that dog! The guy didn't really wanna chat bout the dog and it's breeding but by the reaction of the dog to the truck when he drove up I knew it was his ride home! So I guess I owned him for 2 months!