I dont have a drop of good advise but i do hope he turns out ok, i know he means alot to ya, i had one run over once when i bobcat hunted and he was missing two weeks before he crawled in my yard with only his front legs working, i sold a 4x4 chevy that was all lifted and tricked out just to pay the vet, cause when you got a goodin you do what you gotta do, my whole Church prayed for my ol dog (

we do that up here in the sticks

) and after the vet told me he would not ever hunt or maybe walk much again, we prayed and one year later you couldn't keep up with him on his worst night, my old catahoula was stove up once after being frieght trained by a big hog and i gave him some anti inflamatories and muscle relaxers my dad had and i think that helped alot, just my 2cents , I bet you'll get him lined out and let us know