Ok, finally had to come back to work after 2 weeks off, so, as promised here's a few pics.
Tons of snow at home and a report VIA text said lots at Spur.
I hate not having a 4X4 truck anymore. I've nearly always had at least 2 and now I have none. dontknow. gif
I swipe a small trailer, load the smallest wheeler on it and we take off, 22 degrees in the only thing I own resembling a 4X4.
No soft/hard top on rear, and the drivers side window still out form when it was totaled.
Loaded and pulling out from the house.
Arrival at camp after a long, cold drive and using 4X4 low the 11 miles of dirt road to camp.
We get setteled, check cameras and hit the stands. Jo drops a good doe.
I drive to her in the Jenny and past her feeder. 5 doe feeding and she's standing 20 yards past it.
The doe step out of the roadway about 10 feet and watch me drive by.
In this pic they have all raced back to the feeder as we watch.
Get up the next morning and her doe has hung, froze all night so we just throw her in the back.
Not the most ethical way to haul one but we had to improvise.
4X4 low to get the 11 miles to pavement then another long, cold drive home.
Good thing we love venison and she's one heck of a trooper.