« on: May 25, 2008, 11:07:42 pm » |
Hey everyone! Haven't been on much lately, started a new job a few weeks ago. I just wanted to remind everyone to watch Monsterquest on The History Channel this Wednesday. Hopefully they will show some of our hunt footage. It comes on at 8:00pm central time, so be sure to watch! On another note, I don't know how many of you have noticed the new banner at the top of the forum. I have been working hard on re-designing the website to make it a little better than it was. The forum will not change other than the banner up top. The rest of the website will look quite a bit different from the old one, with new things to see, and new sections to visit. It should be up and running(except for the products section) sometime Tuesday. Hope you all like it... Sean
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 18
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« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 09:43:51 am » |
I already have my recorder set to tape the show, since it comes on right when I am helping put my son to bed.
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2008, 11:41:50 am » |
Sean, My TV says it starts at 7:00 central and 8:00 eastern.
Will be watching.
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2008, 11:45:11 am » |
mr mason, there is an old episode coming on at 7:00 central time, then the season premier is coming on at 8:00.
Cull Buck
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2008, 01:00:02 pm » |
Can't wait to see the show tonight!
Sean, good work on the website. The changes look great.
"I'm like lunch meat.....always ready" - Eric Barnes
Took Savoy to the swamp and he promtly got his v-card punched.
He's out. And you're out. And i don't think I'm in either.
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2008, 08:51:26 pm » |
Well, Blair Pig Project was at least a good advertisement for Kevin. Hahahaha
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2008, 09:18:41 pm » |
WOW. the History Channel went PETA on us and cut all our footage out. I will now do everything in my power to lobby against the "wussy" History Channel. I guess we will be much more careful when accepting t.v. appearances. It better be the Outdoor Channel calling next time 
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2008, 09:22:02 pm » |
I guess theres no way you guys could get the footage from them and put it out yourselfs huh? Man i was really looking forward to that show, even put off doing some things around the house.
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2008, 09:24:24 pm » |
You guys are something, Kevin set this up with the History channel and I set you'll up to take them on a hunt. This might be 4 or 5 weeks long and look to see the hunting part in the next week or so.
I thought it was a good informative show with more to come.
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2008, 09:33:02 pm » |
You guys are something, Kevin set this up with the History channel and I set you'll up to take them on a hunt. This might be 4 or 5 weeks long and look to see the hunting part in the next week or so.
I thought it was a good informative show with more to come.
No, this is the only Mega-Hog episode. It re-runs several times over the next few weeks. They left out all the hunting all-together. We're truly thankful to you and Kevin for getting us involved in this... the History Channel dropped the ball on this one. Our whole filming couldn't have tuned out better and really shed a positive light on our sport. Even the film crew guys were pumped up and said it was the best stuff they had gotten so far.
Mike, I hope that's not all, I was looking forward to the hunt that you'll had. But the film crew told me that it would be 4 or 5 shows.
Guess we'll see.
You guys are something.
i assume that means that we(I) came off sounding a little something like sour grapes. so let's clear a few things up. it was really cool to see kevin and tim, and you too at the beginning mr mason. i think it was really cool that they showed them going through all the steps and stuff. they never say or show in the text "Texasboars" though, like they were trying not to promote any hunting. and of course i would have liked to have seen some of our footage on there, we thought they were as excited about the hunt as we were. but even beyond that, where was the hunting?other than still pictures, it was cut out because it didn't jive with the History Channel's formula. nowhere was a hog shown being shot, dogged, or hunted in any way other than being trapped. in other words, they(The History Channel) chose to exclude hunting. and i have looked through my guide on the info for the replays of this episode. they all say "Original air date 5-28-08" , meaning they are replaying the same episode. Monsterquest doesn't do multiple part episodes usually.
Sean, I guess we all were told that it was going to be more than it turned out too be. I was looking to see the dog hunt and now I guess it's on the edit floor.
When I signed up for this the plan was to show a dog hunt but must have been over ruled in some way. It's a shame because I think it would have shown hunting with dogs in a good light.
Sorry but I believed them when they said it would be 4 to 5 hours of show, not one show that is shown for 5 hours.
We'll maybe know more it we get the chance again.
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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Hog Doom
Posts: 3633
It's a good day to have a great day!
I sure hate to see that all of you folks spent so much time and effort trying to do a good job of representing hog hunting and it was not aired. Makes me mad for yall. I feel like the they basicaly got a "free guided hunt" and several other folks spent hours talking and time with those guys and none of it was aired except the pigs running through the pen, I guess that probly did not get mentioned in credits either???, I did not get to watch it, I was out hunting, but I probly just wouloda got my blood pressure up if I did see it.
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 11
I sure hate to see that all of you folks spent so much time and effort trying to do a good job of representing hog hunting and it was not aired. Makes me mad for yall. I feel like the they basicaly got a "free guided hunt" and several other folks spent hours talking and time with those guys and none of it was aired except the pigs running through the pen, I guess that probly did not get mentioned in credits either???, I did not get to watch it, I was out hunting, but I probly just wouloda got my blood pressure up if I did see it.
sorry to Mike and Sean.,.I really am I was looking forward to seeing your hunt at least you nailed one.. It was different story for us,,baited had hogs ,,maybe not a mega hog but had them around till it rained like 6" check the dates..when we hunted Yes scent and attractents dont wors as good as a fresh track for sure. Sorry again and as I consider most here my friends it ticks me off
tim, one of the things i tried to get across in my last post was that i place sole blame for this on the History Channel. i am very greatful to kevin for throwing this opportunity our way. he and mr. mason did not have to do that. and i have no doubt that the end result for us was not what they expected it to be. and it was very cool to get to see you guys going through your part of the show. but hunting in general got slighted in favor of the History Channel's formula for Monsterquest, which really doesn't include hunting other than short sparse re-inactments involving hunters. we gave them some real footage man, i'm here to tell you i was there. and not just the rougher type stuff you wouldn't expect them to show, but the whole baying, and the dogs keeping the hog trapped, and the hog and dogs swimming in the river. all exciting stuff that i would have killed to have in my own video library had i only had and been able to use my own camera. then there is the complete embarrasement of having been led to believe it was okay to tell family, friends and peers that we would be well represented. and there are few things that burn my ass more than being made to feel foolish through no fault of my own. mike truley said it best, "The History Channel dropped the ball on this one. but we don't fault anyone but them for that move.
Sean, When I signed the papers I felt like it would be a plus for the dog hunters. I feel the History Channel lied to me when they said the show would be 4 or 5 hours long to get everything in that they had video. I'll have to see it in writting next time and would also want all unused film.
I had heard about the hunt and was looking forward to it. We live and learn. Keep making good video's and a country boy can surrive.
Fella's, I don't think the History Channel ever intended to try and show any REAL to Life hog hunting with LEGITIMATE results of the hunt. They were looking to SENSATIONALIZE the so called MEGA HOG. To that end I believe they would have told you anything they thought would get you to help them with production of the show. I was glad to see Kevin and Tim on the show. They were the only ones who, in my opinion, gave real good factual information regarding hog hunting and the hogs themselves. I would have loved to see the hog dogging hunt on there. But, again, I don't think it was ever their intent to show hunting at all. They just wanted to sensationalize the so called MEGA HOG. Anyhow, to all of you that helped them produce the show KUDO's!! Each and everyone of you represented our sport admirably and with integrity. GREAT JOB guy's!! 
God bless and good hunting,
Marty Ley Santa Fe, TX NAHC Life Member