Had a fun easy hunt at a new spot I just got.
My girlfriend actually hooked me up with this spot which is kinda unusual but Greatly Appreciated!! Her cousin worked for some guy whose son lived about 2 hrs from me and they said they were run over with hogs. He had heard through the grapevine that I loved to hunt hogs and told me to call them sometime. I was actually kinda doubting if this was going to pay off or not but figured you never know til you try. So I called up my usual buddy Grant and he brought his two cur dogs Hunter and Ben and his female dogo PPC Itaca who he renamed Kaya. I brought my two cur dogs Luke and Marker and of course PPC Eloy.
We got down there around 4 or so and dropped out on some trails behind Jacob's house. A quick 30-45 min walk later and we heard Hunter bay up. My dog Marker ran to him and shut that hog down. We heard the sweet sound of the two dogs hammering away and walked a short 300-400 yards towards the bay. We get to about 100 yards away and cut the two dogos loose. It sounded like it breaks but only get another 50 yards or so before we hear a caught hog. The hog had a dogo anchored on each ear. It looked like a solitary boar and he smelled rank! Probably weighed over 225 lbs but had some nice cutters. Unfortunately it looked like one of the lowers got knocked out, but still a nice set of daggers on this beast.

Grant and Kaya (PPC Itaca) with the first boar

Me and PPC Eloy with the first boar

close up of first boar head
It was HOT! and the catchdogs were panting like crazy. So we checked them for wounds and didnt see any, got them some water and right after that we heard Grants dog Hunter strike again. My two dogs were real close to him and they had the hog bayed solid in a matter of minutes. It was only 500-600 yards away but the brush got really really thick and it was a beating to get through. Walked in real close and let the dogos loose. Same outcome as last time. Eloy was on the right ear and Kaya on the left. I got some video but it was chaotic and the brush made it hard to see. It was a real fat sow. probably over 250 lbs, no teeth though.

2nd hog - fat sow
Gathered all the dogs up, no cuts! Walked back to the truck and loaded the dogs up. Grant wanted to get the head off the first boar since it was the first boar his dog Kaya had caught that had such big teeth. When we got back to Jacobs house, his little nephew and 2 friends all 7-8 year old lil boys ran out to see how we did and were so excited to hear about the two hogs that they insisted they come with us to cut the head off the hog. It worked out good for us because we were all tired and they eagerly took turns helping us drag is back to the truck.

Free help dragging the head back