Michelle and I decided to head for the deer stand this evening to try and get her on a deer. The afternoon was pleasant with a bit of wind. And, it was SLOW. We saw one lone doe. But, she was well over 500yrds away. As it got later in the even I mentioned to Michelle that I had been seeing some hog sign in the are we were hunting. And, right before dark a good sized boar showed up. He was headed our way but stopped in a ditch about 150yrds away and decided to wallow in the water and mud. It was getting dark pretty quick. I had the binos on him and Michelle had the rifle up ready to shoot. I told her to shoot him high on the shoulder when he turned broadside. He started walking toward us and stopped several times and was broadside. But Michelle never shot. So, I asked her why she wasn't shooting. She said "Dad I can't see the cross hairs good enough and I'm afraid I'll wound him." I really wanted her to get this pig so I told her to try again. She said she just couldn't see the cross hairs good enough for her to be comfortable to take a shot. She said "Dad you gotta give it a try so the hog don't get away". So, I gave her the binos and took the rifle. And, she was right it was very hard to see the cross hairs. But, the grass was light enough to see them contrasted against the background. So, I put the cross hairs just below the hogs neck on the grass, and just raised them enough to center them on the neck and let 'er rip. Down he went! The shot was just below his ear, and he was DRT! Turned out to be a real nice boar around 200 or 225. And, it was one of them purty ones with blonde hair and black spots.
I sure wanted Michelle to shoot him. But, under the circumstances I think she made a wise decision. Luckily, I've done it before and was able to make a good shot. We're gonna head back out to that stand tomorrow to hopefully get her on a deer or a hog. There's still plenty of time left in the season to get her a shot on something. So, we're gonna keep trying.
Oh, and I was wearing my LUCKY Twin Creaks Ranch hat!