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Author Topic: Quick Hunt  (Read 844 times)
Boar Slayer
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« on: October 30, 2010, 11:53:18 am »

Decided to make an afternoon hunt yesterday.  I had Joe and Paris allong  This is the second time i've had joe out since he got crippled by a hog this spring.  He's running on 3 good legs.  Turned out at about 5 and had a young boar bayed and killed by 6.  I cheated and turned out close to where I knew the hogs would be so the dogs got on them pretty quick.  The hogs must have been spread out feeding on water oak acorns the dogs seemed to be running all over at first.  Joe came up bayed on two hogs in a dry creek while Paris was makeing her attempt to buch the whole lot on the other side.  Joe was some kind of suped up and was baying way to tight.  Don't know if it was me walking through bone dry sticks and brush that spooked the hogs or joe baying too tight but the hogs broke and ran down the dry creek with joe trying to keep up.  Enventually they both came up bayed on this young boar.  As I got the the bay I with my camera ready to snap up some pics I saw it was a boar and he looked like he could leave the country and looked bigger when he was bristled up.  I put the camera away in favor of taking him out quick with the rifle but joe was right in his face and I could not get a clear shot.  So I tried again for a quick picture about the same time the hog charged a dog and then broke right in my direction and covered the 15 yards in a split second.   I abandoned the camera for the rifle and shot john wayne style as the hog passed a few feet away.  Come to find out I shot a hole through his ear.  lol.  They stopped him on the bank of the creek again and I crawled through the brush  and finished the deal.  The hog rolled down into the creek and I snapped the dogs up in favor of moving to an area of the ranch thats not so thick.  Got the dogs and hogs out of the thicket and drove over to the other spot and spotted 3 young boars trailing a big sow across the pasture.... about the same time I found a cow stuck in a tank.  By the time I got the cow out of the tank It was dark so I let the hogs go for another day.  This is my deer season spot and looks like its loaded with hogs.  The dogs did ok, but I would have preferred to bay the whole lot up.  Joe seems like he can work a hog pretty good with 3 good legs.  Here's a few pics of the dogs looking for more hogs and wishing they had got away before I snapped them up

Alpha Dog
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« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2010, 12:06:41 pm »

Good hog. Nice that your dog can still work with three good legs. Good lookin dogs.
Bay Dog
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« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2010, 04:35:58 pm »

good deal
Hog Master
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« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2010, 10:01:06 pm »

Sounds like a good hunt!

Fear is only a word in the mind of the weak!
Hog Doom
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« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2010, 02:56:08 pm »

Good deal man, keep after em.

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