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Author Topic: Flea Control  (Read 701 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: April 17, 2011, 12:16:38 pm »

Someone posted that Bayer tree and shrub wasn't working and needed something different. They were saying that the fleas were getting immune to the product. We need to make sure we use the proper dose to keep the fleas from becoming immune...

I read the ingredients on a box of advantage and it was a dose for a 21 to 55 pound dog or pup. The pup needed to be at least 7 weeks old so in my mind this product is pretty safe.

The tube holds 2.5 mils and the percentage of "IMIDACLOPRID" is 9.1% by weight.

I converted it to The ORTHO TREE AND SHRUB which is 1.47% IMIDACLORPRID, and for the pup and dog that weighs between 21 to 55 pounds it would take about 15.5 mils or cc's of the ORTHO.

For the same pup or dog with the Bayer TREE AND SHRUB that is .74% IMIDACLOPRID it would take about 31 mils or CC's.

If you already do it this way disregard. My research was triggered off of what that post was saying. However, I wasn't good at school so might want to double check my math... Grin School wasn't about dogs so couldn't pay attention Shocked Huh?


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« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2011, 12:27:10 pm »

Good Point Rueben!
Question- if you are putting this on the outside of a dog then how are you going to know how many cc's drop off on the ground, how much is rolled off in dirt, and how much actually make it down to the skin to stick. In a perfect world the dog would stay still for like 20 min after applying

I think your math if great, Please find me a solution to make the stuff stick to the dog Wink

Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2011, 12:50:02 pm »

Good Point Rueben!
Question- if you are putting this on the outside of a dog then how are you going to know how many cc's drop off on the ground, how much is rolled off in dirt, and how much actually make it down to the skin to stick. In a perfect world the dog would stay still for like 20 min after applying

I think your math if great, Please find me a solution to make the stuff stick to the dog Wink

I'll have to sleep on that one... Smiley


Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
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« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2011, 08:32:04 pm »

I was told today that cedar chips around your pens, or where u have ur dogs chained or whathave you, will keep fleas and ticks away, ain't tried it but its getting to the point where I will try anything
Lord of the Hogs
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« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2011, 11:58:50 pm »

I was told today that cedar chips around your pens, or where u have ur dogs chained or whathave you, will keep fleas and ticks away, ain't tried it but its getting to the point where I will try anything

Man it don't hurt as long as you are combining it with the other. I also use the Bayer tree and shrub. If you are completely infested with them pesky sand fleas. Try an ol remedy of mixing diesel with burned oil in a sprayer and dilute the entire area completely nuke em. Then again bout three or four days later to try and break that cycle. If you just use cedar chips with nothing else them lil jokers will be dippin the chips into your dog salsa and eatin em whole. LOL     good luck..
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« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2011, 10:28:23 pm »

a member on here told me to add some veg oil with the bayer just to make it stick good. he mixes it up in a spay bottle and gives the dogs a squirt in between the sholder blades and base of the tail just like the stuff the vet sells

Victor dog food dealer. Cleveland Texas
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