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Author Topic: First hog for February  (Read 683 times)
Alpha Dog
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« on: February 01, 2009, 08:20:21 pm »

And LAst hog for January.  LOL

We had a hunt lined up on a new place for sunday that some guys were having problems with hog during deer season. So we decided NOT to go hunting on Saturday.  So Saturday morning while sitting on my back porch my step son, Ray, was pulling my Grandson around in the waggon. They made there rounds to all the dogs and patted each and every one of them and then went to the pig pen and was looking at the pigs. When Ray walked back up to the back porch he told me he saw 5 pigs in then pen and one in the woods .  I thought he was mistaken or that maybe one of my pigs had gotten out. So i went and done a head count and all were accounted for.  Then I walked to the back side of the pen and saw some rooting on the outside .  So I told Dillion to go get Sadie and I went and got boots.  I could tell from the size of the tracks that it was a small pig and knew that if they got it to stop Boots would catch it.  We turned Sadie and Boots loose and off they went .  Almost out of hearing I heard Sadie start barking and then got quite .  I was still in my PJ's and a pair of Crocks . LOL   Dillion took of in hot pursuit in a pair of shorts and tennis shoes.  when we got to em Boots had it caught.  It was a nice little shoat about 50 lbs.  Not bad for not having a hunt planned. [Cheesy]  We took the pig over to my Dads house for him to work his Jadg Terrier .

Sunday we loaded up and went to the place we planned on hunting. Hunted for a while and the dogs left out for a while but produced nothing. We then went back to the truck and got Sadie, Boots, And Lilly,  Dropped them along with the other curs.  It wasn't long before we heard sadie bark about 3 times then a squeal .   The squeal stopped and all the dogs left out.  We thought they were running pigs .  We tracked to them  for about .75 miles and finally could hear a good SOLID bay. There was a bayou between us and them so we had to drive around to a bridge and then back to em.   The dogos, De'Angelo and Daisy, heard em and went to em.  When we get there it on the other side of yet another bayou in the water.  That only ment one thing. We were about to get wet. And boy was it COLD . Belly Button deep at 39 Degrees.  SAdie rolled out again and the other dogs went to her and the bay broke and we trackedto em about 900 yards.  Another good solid bay . Sent the Dogos and Lanes Little Pit in and on there way in they caught a lillte shoat about 20 lbs. And the bay broke and we were off to the races for the next couple of hours.

Heres a couple of pictures of the Sow .

Marvin Garrett
Strike Dog
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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2009, 08:36:01 pm »

good job cool lookin hog  Smiley
Hog Master
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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2009, 09:52:54 pm »

nice hunt.. good color on that sow.

Quality over Quantity!

You gotta cut the boars to catch the Barrs.

Get Ahead Son!
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2009, 08:45:31 am »

  Thanks , Were gonna keep her for a breeder sow .
Marvin Garrett
Strike Dog
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« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2009, 10:24:50 am »

Good hog! Bet that was fun in that cold water... Cheesy

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