« on: July 24, 2011, 10:39:49 pm » |
I read an add today on Craigslist that made me think about my children and what I would want someone else to do. There is a man who just got custody of his two year old daughter, he is wanting to get her a puppy as a suprise to help ease the transition for her. But with just inheriting a daughter he has no money to spend on a puppy and was asking for help in this situation, was not looking for anything special just something that his daughter would love. Im sure he was suprised when he heard the deal I called and gave him. I told him I have a litter of registered catahoula puppies and that if he would bring the little girl to pick her out a puppy (so that I knew it really was for her), I would give her a puppy of her choice and would include the papers as a gift. All I could do is smile to myself because I am just so happy that I was able to help someone out and that they truly appreciate it, all the guy kept saying was how much he appreciated it and was so greatful, glad I was able to help someone makes me feel good 
*Crazy Dog Kennels*
hog bit
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2011, 10:52:21 pm » |
:'(How come I can't find the like button? LOL Good job.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 11:14:53 pm by hog bit »
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2011, 10:57:51 pm » |
Thats awesome, that's something the man and his daughter will never forget.
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2011, 11:08:00 pm » |
I just remember when I was growing how I always wanted a dog, my mother wasnt the best person in the world and moved us around so much we didnt get to have animals long or hardly at all, I wished for the longest time that I had been able to have something like that, I know their are dogs better than mine but to that little girl she is gonna have the beest dog ever lol I think Im gonna cry when I see the look on her face when she sees them and picks hers out...... The little girl doesnt know yet it is a suprise, I am going wensday to meet with them and let her pick her puppy, I know im silly saying im gonna cry but it is gonna make me happy and her happy so thats all I could ask for
*Crazy Dog Kennels*
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2011, 11:34:51 pm » |
Now thats something to feel good about, good deal
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« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2011, 08:21:24 am » |
Very nice Eva.
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2011, 08:59:03 am » |
I had a man call me a couple of weeks ago looking for a Reg. Catahoula pup, for his daughter that was dying of cancer, only months to go. He wanted her to have a pup for the time she has left and so he could have something so special to her after she was gone. Since i was either on the way or out at the ranch i asked him to email me so i could send him pics. Never heard back from him?
"Stand for something or fall for anything" Case Catahoulas; blood tracking; NALC certified breeder, member ACA & COBRA
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2011, 09:53:06 am » |
Very Good!! Hope this Blessing Comes back to you....
From squeal to meal with one good stick!  Hunting is not a sport, It's a way of life...Danny Ward
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2011, 11:02:01 am » |
Wilton, maybe she passed before they had said she would and he didnt want to think about it, this little girl doesnt have cancer as far as I know but I hope that she really loves the puppy 
*Crazy Dog Kennels*
Yeah i don't know what to think with no response, i'd been willing to give the little girl a pup, have done so in the past anytime parents bring a child, or at least give big discounts. That's alot of what i enjoy about raising my dogs is to help promote the breed especially with the younger generations. I thought later that day after cking email, and no call back, maybe i should've mentioned giving the pup for free, but then thought well if he was serious he should get back to me. I don't know what to think these days i've heard all kinds of stories from all kinds of folks, some turned out to dog peddlers/brokers that i caught later on. Just got to wondering after hearing your story seemed familiar, adults using kids to exploit for their gains. Hate to seem so suspisous or cynical, but it's out there.
"Stand for something or fall for anything" Case Catahoulas; blood tracking; NALC certified breeder, member ACA & COBRA
Im kinda the same way thats why I said the guy had to bring his little girl and that SHE was to pick out the puppy not him
*Crazy Dog Kennels*
I will donate a started coondog to a kid let me no if you have anyone in mind
brian adams
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 11
take camera with you and post pictures of her and pup and post them
I will, suppose to meet then on wensday around 5 or 6
*Crazy Dog Kennels*
bayed hard hog dogs
Well you have definitely done your good deed for the week that's great 
Keep um bayed hard tell the bulldogs hit Okie style!!!