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Author Topic: TDHA Hunt, first posting of the rules  (Read 1523 times)
Silverton Boar Dogs
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« on: January 26, 2012, 12:54:10 pm »

2012 TDHA Wild Hog Round-Up
Catch and Tie, Live Hog Weigh-In
March 2-4, 2012

All teams must sign in from 3-6:30pm March 2nd, 2012 at the William Barber EXPO Center in Hallettsville, Texas.
The Contest will begin promptly at 5pm Friday, March 2nd, 2012.
Pre-Registration (online and/or mail-in) will also be possible via the TDHA web page and must be completed by 12:00 noon March 1st.
 **It is not necessary for all team members to be present during sign-in**

 Entry Fees
$300 Per 4 member Team – 5 Heaviest Hogs & Bonus Hogs
Pay Out -80%
(1) 1st place will receive cash and prizes, including 4 matching custom belt buckles for the team!
(2) Each Bonus Division Pays $350
(3) A full pay out sheet will be released at a later date.
(4) In the case of a tie for any team placing in money spots, the team with the heaviest 3, instead of 5, hogs wins)

Bonus Divisions - (no additional charge, can be part of the heaviest 5, one bonus limit per hog)
(1)Heaviest Boar/Barr
(2)Heaviest Sow
(3)Heaviest weight for a Jack and Jill Team (Two men and two women team)
(4) Heaviest weight for an all TDHA Member Team.

Weigh-in will be Sunday March 4th, 2012 from 9:00am to 12 noon.

** Each team member that weighs in will receive a free TDHA Wild Hog Round-Up T-shirt. **

 Each team will weigh in their five (5) Heaviest Hogs, as well as all hogs to be entered in the Bonus Divisions. ALL hogs are to be chosen by the team BEFORE they enter the weigh-in area.

All TEAMS and HOGS MUST BE IN LINE TO BE WEIGHED IN BY 12 NOON SUNDAY. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!  There will be no reason accepted for being late to the line up. It doesn't matter who you call or what the problem is, you must be in line by 12:00 noon, ZERO EXCEPTIONS FOR ANY REASON. The End-of-Line Judge will be the keeper of the time and will be the one that determines 12 NOON and who can weigh-in for a score.

At minimum the team captain needs to be at weigh-in to represent the team.

There will be a 100 lb. minimum weight limit on all hogs brought in to the weigh-in.

 ALL team members will be required to provide their hunting license number prior to 5:00 PM, March 2nd, 2012.

It is the team’s responsibility to minimize damage to the hogs, dog management is important.

There will be a group of inspectors that will mark and examine each hog as it is weighed in. To be eligible to weigh-in a hog must walk off the contestant’s trailer under its own power. Hogs shall not be drug or carried in any way. Hogs must have no open wounds other than on the ears, and no missing ears.  All bite wounds should be sprayed with a topical disinfectant to help ensure the health of the hogs. Any hog that qualifies to be weighed but is not acceptable to the buyers will be re-loaded on the contestant’s trailer after being weighed.


Tied hogs should be moved to a holding trailer and un-hobbled as quickly as possible. Any wounds should be treated and hogs placed in a safe trailer. Boar hogs should be split up to prevent fighting. Water should be available at all times.
Disqualified hogs shall not be replaced.

POLYGRAPH WILL BE USED TO INSURE THE INTEGRITY OF THIS CONTEST. Failing the polygraph or refusal to take the polygraph will result in disqualification.
The contest is open to wild (feral) hogs hunted with dogs in any county in Texas.
Start Time Rule
 All dogs are to be boxed until 5:00 PM Friday, March 2nd, 2012. There should be no "pre-hunting" or scouting with dogs on the ground before 5:00pm on Friday, March 2nd, 2012. This will be a polygraph question and you will not beat the polygraph.

Hogs must be caught and tied during the period from 5:00 p.m. on March, 2nd, 2012 through 11:59am on March 4, 2012.

It is each TEAM’S RESPONSIBILITY to have a final and current copy of the Rules.

This is a live catch and tie contest. Hogs must be dog caught before they are tied. Horses and ATVs may be used, but no roping of un-caught hogs. No contact or pinning of hogs with an ATV or vehicle.  Bayed hogs may be caught by hand.  Helicopters many not assist the team in any way.

Hogs cannot have been previously trapped, kept, or held for the contest. Hogs caught outside contest hours shall not be held for entry into the contest.

Hogs must be harvested on free range properties. They MUST NOT come from behind a game proof/high fence.

No splitting of teams. All team members must hunt together. Each team is permitted to run one pack of dogs at a time. For the purpose of this contest, a pack is considered a single group of dogs being handled by the team members. A team may not concurrently run multiple packs in multiple locations.

The team members listed on the Entry Form are the ONLY members allowed to hunt the Tournament. If a team member is unable to continue hunting with the team for any reason, that team will continue hunting without that member(s). NO SUBSTITUTIONS CAN BE MADE!!


Each 4 man team will be allowed to be assisted by up to two (2) helpers. These helpers are to help reduce damage to the caught hogs. The helpers are not team members but can assist in all aspects of the hunt. The helpers may handle dogs and hogs at any and all times during the hunt. Only two (2) helpers may be “on duty” and working with the team at any given time. Helpers can be changed during the hunt or come and go as needed but no more than two helpers at a time.

Spectators are allowed to accompany the teams. BUT, spectators shall not handle any dogs or touch any hogs while the team is in the act of hunting. Spectators may assist in the moving, care and trailering of hogs only after they have been tied by the team. Spectators shall not help tie hogs in the field. Helpers may lead dogs out of the field if they are being boxed or picked up due to safety or health issues.

Contestant found trying to cheat, in any way, will be disqualified, banned from entering the contest again, and will forfeit their entry fee.

Any individuals or teams found guilty of violating any Texas Game Laws during this contest will be disqualified.

No disorderly conduct, such as cursing, fighting, or rude behavior will be tolerated at the sign-in or weigh-in.

No guns, knives, or weapons of any sort can be displayed or worn on the sign-in or weigh-in premises.

No injured or malnourished dogs of any kind are allowed on the sign-in or weigh-in premises.

ALL dogs on the premises must also be either kenneled or leashed, unless working during a demo or trial.

No consumption of alcohol on the sign-in or weigh-in premises.

Each Team Captain has the option of standing in the weigh-in area to witness his or her team’s hogs being weighed and as the other teams are being weighed. Please be courteous of the judges and the space they need to conduct weigh-in.

Any Violation of these rules will result in the entire team being disqualified and the individual(s) involved will be removed from the premises. Violation of the rules can also result in banning the individual(s) from future TDHA sponsored events as well as from the organization.

All protests must be in writing and delivered to, Paul Teegardin, TDHA President and Protest Committee Chair, and must be made immediately after the occasion arises for protest. The protest committee will then be contacted. All decisions of the protest committee are final!

Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 03:18:37 pm »

Hunters, remember that the TDHA hunt is part of the "HOG DOG TOURNEMNT TRAIL"

We encourage everyone who is entering the TDHA hunt to consider this as well there are some nice buckles up for grabs.

Alpha Dog
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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 12:03:45 pm »

Hunters, remember that the TDHA hunt is part of the "HOG DOG TOURNEMNT TRAIL"

We encourage everyone who is entering the TDHA hunt to consider this as well there are some nice buckles up for grabs.

Thanks Paul.  The rules look great.  They are also posted on the Hog Dog Tournament Trail website.

Real men love Jesus.
Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2012, 10:24:17 pm »

I have had a few questions about this.....On site registration is only for those teams that have not entered on-line

All teams(who have not entered on-line) must sign in from 3-6:30pm March 2nd, 2012 at the William Barber EXPO Center in Hallettsville, Texas.

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