An ordinance passed Tuesday, April 10, 2012, in Lake County bans pet owners from tying their animals to a single object with a chain, rope or leash.
Gotta look for the gray area.. Now without reading the ordinance, just going off what you posted. It says a SINGLE object. So put two posts in and chain them to both
How about a cable? It is neither a chain, rope or leash....this is silly that as responsible dog owners we have to put up with that mess.
We do not chain our dogs up but if that is one's preferential restraint so long as the animal is taken care of it is none of my business.
I was talking last night with my mom who is my neighbor and had her.own run in with the animal control, she was good with them until the guy demanded her ID at which point she told him to go get a Deputy and take the weiner dog that would come and go if he could catch her outside the fence...
Are AC in you area allowed to write tickets / enforce codes? Ours are not, they can only look after the welfare of the animals and still cannot enter gated property with out the Star Cars at their side, which leads me to this:
Hypothetically, if you chained your dogs on the very back corner of a 10 acre parcel, that with a naked eye you cannot see the animals, are they allowed to use binoculars to see the animals from a public road (lets say there is only one road out front, everything else is inacessable)?? Or at that point is that an intrusian of privacy and overzealous patrolling?
This was a good two hour conversation and led into something else I am gping to post later in a different thread so it doesn't distract from this one.