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Author Topic: Just for chits and giggles...  (Read 824 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: July 27, 2012, 09:28:11 am »

Lets hear some stories that made you realize that there was something bigger than yourself involved. Like someone was watching over you... or luck for those of you that don't believe in such things.

I'll start.

I was a lot younger, probably around 8-10 I think. We were in Colorado skiing at Purgatory. My family (Mom, Dad, and me) went with a ton of our friends families, so there was quite a few of the Greenville clan in the Rockies. Grin  Couple of the parents took us kids over to get our lift tickets, and we start goofing off; throwing snow balls at people we didn’t know, wrestling in the snow, being county boys and girls that are not used to the snow. There was a long line so this went on for 10 or so minutes. We went down a ways from where the ticket center was, and found a snow bank that came up on the side of a house/shop. It was a big snow bank, taller than us kids, and slick. So we went to sliding down on it, jumping on it and falling down, and just being kids. Well I climbed to the top of it, and all of a sudden fell through… I was only holding on by the tips of my fingers and all I could see was black below me. One of my buddies saw me fall through and jumped and grabbed my wrists, really quick thinking. One of the other kids went yelling for help and told the parents about it… The kid hanging onto me was the only one that would get on the ice considering we now knew that it was thinner than we thought, but definitely were not expecting it to be hollow underneath. I still do not ever know how it was possible other than if the house was built on stilts and you just couldn’t see them because of the snow. But there I was, hanging into nothing, with my fingertips holding onto the ice with snow gloves on, and thank God the owner of the house/shop had just gotten home and heard all of the commotion right outside of his window; which is where we happened to be dangling from. He opened the window and helped pull me out of the nothingness… after we all caught our bearing because there seemed to be something looming and we knew that what just happened could have been worse. Little did we know that it could have been a lot worse. The owner of the place proceeded to tell us that there was a frozen river down below that snow bank, and that it was 100+ feet down… Like a little cave or something with a river at the bottom. There were no signs or tape marking it off, and they just assumed since it was frozen over that it was safe… LOL! WRONG! So basically I almost fell 100+ feet to my death into a frozen river, that went only God knows where. I dusted that all off and we all went back to playing like it never happened. When I got a little bit older I realized that I would not be here if it weren’t for one of my best friends saving my arse! I was for sure being watched over that day… I don’t know why I’m here, but I know its for something special… I just need to figure out what it is.

Let’s hear em guys and gals… I know there are some near death experiences out there, or something that’s made you look up wondering what’s going on…

Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 05:34:08 pm »

I was about 11-12 an it had been a bad winter in Alaska, the moose population was real low an the wolves were coming into dog mushers yards an killing dogs..I was at my friends house an we decide were going to go for a walk down her understand we were about 45 mins from Fairbanks an she had had a dog killed by we went for out walk it wasnt to late maybe 7 or 8 at night the stars were bright an the moon was full so we had plenty of light to see by. we were probable 300 yards from the house when I got that raise the hair on the back of your neck feeling an told my friend that I though we had walked far enough an we should go back an like a good friend she called me a chicken an we kept walking. well that feeling never went away an I finally said yeah im a chicken so lets go back an we started on our way back..the only problem was I say some movement out of the corner of my eye so we picked up our pace then we say it again parallel to us..when we were about 100 yard from the house we hauled ass an didnt stop tell we were in the house with both dead bolts thrown...the next day we went out an saw that the wolves had stalked us an circled around an were going to drive us further away...some one was watchin over us kids

Life's tough...get a helmet
Hog Doom
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« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 06:10:34 pm »

Well my wife had run off draining the bank account. She left me and my son with nothing. I had the bills coming in and no money with a 2 1/2 yr old boy in tow. I had been praying but did not see any hope. I was in sales and needed to sell something fast but could not sell a thing. I was on my home trying to figure out where we would go. I was a bit angry at God to be honest because I thought I was living right so this should not be happening. I was in stop and stop traffic there was no go on a real hot day. I look down and the care was overheating and the a/c was blowing hot air so I turned off the a/c and rolled the windows down and the sun roof. But  the car kept getting hotter. So I turned the car off and would start it when I could drive forward a bit. Then I turned the key and nothing happened not a buzz, click or anything. It tried a couple times and people were very nice telling me I was number one with the middle finger. I had a big car and pushed it to the shoulder by myself. I sat there trying over and over to start the car but the car did absolutely nothing. I had all my problems going through my head and no idea what I was going to do and now the car and no money to even have it towed. I finally just threw my head back and looking up I yelled one of those from the heart yells with me about to lose it and just yelled "God help me!" I was emotionally spent and I just figured I would turn the key one more time. When I turned the key the car started right up and the a/c was working the engine was still hot but cooling down. I just sat there and knew that God was telling me the He had control of every little thing in my life. While I still had problems and there was no happy ending I had a peace in my heart. To this day when I start to doubt God I remember that day and just think ok God whatever you want me to go through I will go through it as a servant of God.

"...A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself..." John Stuart Mill
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2012, 07:10:44 pm »

Couple years ago me and a buddy were hog hunting back home in the piney woods of east Texas well it was late summer time the dogs had a good boar bayed down in a creek well we got pretty close I cut the bulldog lose and was right on his heels to provide back up the bulldog went over a dead tree log and by the time I heard it I was already in mid flight across the log I had lacrosse knee high rubber boots on and when my foot broke over the log I felt an extremely solid strike to the top of my boot I hit the ground took about 4 steps and screamed to the top of my lungs WHOA. Cody stop he stopped and said hey man what's wrong why are you do pail I took my ruger 10/22 and emptied a 10 round clip onto the ground right in front of me the solid strike to the top of my boot was a 4 1/2 foot timber rattler I've had a few more bad exspierences but that was the one I really remembered who the man up top was

It might be lonely at the top but it's a bitch on the bottom
Hog Doom
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« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2012, 11:14:52 pm »

I was about 12 years old and was vacationing with my uncle in cali. we went to Yosemite national forest and this country boy was very impressed to say the least. we stopped at a scenic over look on a cliff like deal. There were ropes strung out with warning signs but my dumb young ars decided to step over the ropes for a better look over the edge. the ledge was a huge slab of rock about three football fields big just hanging a couple thousand feet above the valley below. It was just smooth flat rock sitting on about a 20 degree angle so it didnt look dangerous but it had real fine pea gravel all over it. needless to say my feet slipped right out from under me and just like in the movies i was sliding pawing and clawing trying to stop. I slid for maybe 30 feet until i grabbed a little bush growing out of a crack. the bush popped out of the crack but had slowed me down enough to stop me about 20 feet from the edge. i crawled on my hands and knees sweeping pee gravel out of the way on the way back up.. my dad said i was ghost white... asked if i was ok and the beat my butt real good in front of a bunch of slant eyes with cameras. I still thank god for that bush being there.

Victor dog food dealer. Cleveland Texas
Hog Doom
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« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2012, 12:02:33 pm »

found my reason in life upside down in a wrecked truck, lost alot of blood but i kept myself pumped up to stay awake. i hit a huge deer and rolled my truck maybe 100 yards into some baby pine trees and the way the trees stood back up nobody saw my truck. i was there maybe 24 hours. managed to get enough strength to pry the door open and belly crawl to the road. over fire ant hills and through whatever was in front of me. i was praying the whole way and didnt want to shed a tear.  i remember faintly a younger girl and her boyfriend found me when they pulled over to find her cellphone that fell in her car. the guy helped me sit up and he almost cradled me when i finally passed out. came to in the ICU with tubes comin out of me i didnt know they could come out of.  family all around, preacher there, and the couple who i claim saved my life.

wasnt much of a believer for a good while but during the time of shock and half dazed i layed in that truck i swear and to this day still swear i saw an angel in the upside down seat beside me telling me it was gonna be ok

Matt H
Cleveland, OH
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« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2012, 01:37:52 pm »

Haven't told many ppl this but a few years ago. 20 yrs old n two young kids I got caught up in pills with my tattoo artist. I mean I got bad 10 methadone n 10 xanax a day not to mention marijuana n lots of beer. Well one day I had a bad day at wrk n just wanted to catch a buzz. All I know is I had 15 of each pill. My wife found me in the room taking one breath every 45 seconds or so.
I was told I died twice n got shocked back to life twice. I woke up in the hospital having a seizure gettin asked wat all I took with cops n doctors all around me. All I could do is ask if my babies were ok.
That was the scariest moment in my life n I'm totally ashamed of the life I lived. I've been clean since minus beer n now I chase a buzz raising dogs n trying to shank some hogs lol.

For any young kids that read this on here take a chance to realize what I've talked about n what could've happened. Drugs ain't the way to go. Stay n the woods n stay n school.

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