3 year old Reg. Cat gyp. Never had pup bays but not gritty. Short to medium range. Has found hogs..$150
Finished!!!3 year old plott/pit rcd gyp. Never had pup will find and catch own pig. Has been used as lead in cd. Very athletic about 50 pounds. $200
1 year old bluetick has found a few pigs doesn't open until she see's a pig. Goes med to long with my lead dog..$100
Finished white pit gyp. Had 1 litter and hateS a hog catches ear. I just found her after losingher for a month. Her hair is just about gone and needs some weight. $100. Only cause the shape she is in.
Selling cause Im moving and can't keep them.
Amanofstone4u@aol.comGrand Saline tx