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Author Topic: Busted  (Read 3077 times)
Hog Master
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« Reply #40 on: August 07, 2012, 01:07:39 pm »

Yeah, I thought that was just a friendly jab.  No problem.

You know I did have 2 situations that come to mind.  About 8 years ago I checked my traps in February on a deer lease.  Killed 2 good sized hogs and had them hanging at camp as I proceeded to skin them.  I was all alone.  It was the middle of the day.  Looked up and a game warden was sitting about 100 meters away.  I think he was noting license plates.  I kept skinning.  Finally, he drove over and asked what I was doing.  I explained and he checked my licenses and EVERYTHING.  He said goodbye and drove off.  I think he thought he had an out of season poacher.

About 10 years ago I was driving back on 1488 from killing a couple of hogs I had trapped.  A sheriff pulled me over.  Said I didn't have my seat belt on, which pissed me off cause I ALWAYS wear it.  My buddy who was riding shotgun never does.  The sheriff asked my why I had blood on my pants.  I explained.  Then he asked if I had weapons.  Well, I told him I had a 357 in the Samarai on the trailer and a rifle in the back seat of the truck.  He checked everything.  We must have been there 30 mins.  Finally he gave my buddy a ticket for no seat belt and we were off.

Living life on the edge  Grin

John Esker
Hog Doom
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« Reply #41 on: August 07, 2012, 05:02:07 pm »

When I was a kid I had a rancher complain he had animals getting killed by coyotes. So I told him I could get my varmint call and take a few out for him. I got a couple friends and we set up on the edge of a cow pasture so there would be cover but they would have to come out and we could get some clear shots. We had it all planned so if we had a bunch we knew who would shoot which ones and we we would not have to talk. We were not far from the road and we made sure we were shooting away from any house or roads. We got the call going when it got dark. We were using a red light and could see some eyes in the brush so we were ready for the coyotes. Then we saw a fox for a second. I know I got excited. Then they started to come out in the pasture I took the gun off safety and was about to signal time to shoot. Then all of a sudden we were flooded with white light and the foxes ran off. Then as we here a Game Warden ask "what are boys doing?" You have never heard such foul language outside of a bar. If pur parents could have heard us we would have had soap in our mouths. I mean the varment call is going and we are shining a red light. I am respectful of law enforcement but not that night. We were ready to get some foxes. We threw our licenses at him and gave him a learning. He tried to be a jerk but we let him know we did not break laws so we did not care about what he did. Then we told the owner and he decide that he would get them himself.

Of course one of the boys with me his dad was a detective and the Game Warden recognized the name. I never found out how much trouble he got in. But that Game Warden was always nice to me after that night But if anybody has foxes i would still like to shoot a few Grin

"...A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself..." John Stuart Mill
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