« on: May 20, 2009, 09:07:27 pm » |
 Went this morning hunting decided when I got there I was just going to turn my puppies loose and leave all the finished dogs in the trailer.Now these puppies have been with the older dogs and seen several hogs and was right there when the finshed dogs have bayed but nerver had to do it on there on.These puppies are about 10 months to 12 months 3 of them.Well I found some hog rutting and they were trying to work it real hard and finally they took the track and left baying about four hundred yards we caught a 100 pound choate I seen another choate slipping I hollard for the pups and the race was on these three pups packed up together and left country I could barly pick them up with my wildlife system.We finally got to them and the were bayed like finshed dogs caught the choate.I could have called it a day and been happy for a month.But I was so proud of them that I said lets go try them on another side of the property sure enough there was a wollow with a big footed hog I said maybe we should ga back and get the finshed dogs so we can find this one it was about 10:30 so it would be cold for theses pups .Well one of the pups kelp trying the track I said lets just give him time after waiting for about an hour he found the old ugly no ear bob tailed boar hog he traild about 700 yards and bayed now thats what I talking about.We caught the rough looking creature and relocated and cut him.When we got back to the trailers al my finshed dogs looked at me like are we second string now.No they just got a lot of future help.
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2009, 09:09:41 pm » |
 We also fund this ugly thing just an ugly creature day
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2009, 09:10:49 pm » |
thats good, congrats on those pups doin so well!
"pain is just fear leavin the body" TDHA member/TLGDA supporter "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." - Will Rogers Victor Dealer/Promoter
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2009, 09:16:00 pm » |
nice hunt,,, oughta be a good barr hog
Quality over Quantity!
You gotta cut the boars to catch the Barrs.
Get Ahead Son!
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2009, 09:44:36 pm » |
Man,that second string sh__ was funny Clint. Good job pups. They deserve some of the good treatment.
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2009, 11:33:08 pm » |
Great hunt cward! Don't you just feel like a big turd when the finished dogs(sittin' in the pen) see you drop off the youngin's after a hard day of huntin'  ....... If looks could kill  Good Snapper! You gonna eat him?
Welcome to the Gun Show
Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
ppc dogos
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2009, 03:30:36 am » |
Congrats, NICE boar.
Huge turtle! he must be old ?
PPC Dogos Denmark
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2009, 06:38:20 am » |
great hog,stories,pictures and damn good snapping turtle Dexter
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2009, 07:16:27 am » |
Surely you did not turn a no eared hog loose? If you did thats BS.
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2009, 07:49:53 am » |
Good job for your Young Pups. and thats a big Snapper. Stick your finger down there and tell me if it hurts. HAHA.. But yea i dont like the idea of turning a hog with no ears loose either. Asking for trouble in my opion
Well the no eared hog was already that way and he got turn loose on my place I have no use for no boar hog.He is a barr.But I have caught several hogs that had there ears chewed off some bad S.O.B'S to but if your standing in a tree hollaring he cuttin my dog to piece's then yeh thats a problem if you back your dog's PLAY it is not a problem.I have never carried a gun nor a knife other than a pocket knife hunting with me and never bayed a hog that I did not get caught because of him being to bad.Where this hog came from a boy I new used to be able to hunt the place good guy had a lot of dogs but he was scared to death of a hog. He told me he bayed a 150lb sow and she was sling all his dogs so he went got a gun and shot her.NOW COME ON I have got sows to fight my horse in a field and got off and caught them with no dogs. Back your dogs trust your dogs chit won't happen.My oldest dog lived to be 17 years old raised him from a pup he died 2 years ago of old age hunted him until he was14 a dog last a long tome around my place.
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
And buy the way I am on this sight to met good people who enjoy there dogs and hunting as much as I do it is avery nice sight and every one has the right to voice there opoin but like bghogdogtx did his was very respectful and I respect him for that now c.miller if you new me you would now that I try to br fair with everybody invite alot of people hunting with me the way you post was kinda rude and if you want to go hunt with me I will show you how to catch them no eared hogs without getting your dogs cut.
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
Its always a good feeling when a pup does it right without the old dogs around!
Lightning H Cattle Co. 2008 National Champion 4-up Mules
"Aint misbehavin' just ass'n around"
congrats! Dont let that turtle get a hold of you, it aint no fun!
"You lose a lot of money chasing hogs and women, but never lose women chasing money."
"And buy the way I am on this sight to met good people who enjoy there dogs and hunting as much as I do it is avery nice sight and every one has the right to voice there opoin but like bghogdogtx did his was very respectful and I respect him for that now c.miller if you new me you would now that I try to br fair with everybody invite alot of people hunting with me the way you post was kinda rude and if you want to go hunt with me I will show you how to catch them no eared hogs without getting your dogs cut."
CWARD What I said was not ment to be disrespectful....disrespectful is turning a no eared hog loose. Think about it like this....that hog travels and some one else get on him...SOME ONE NOT AS HANDY AS YOU...... maybe a little green to hog hunting or whatever it might be.. and they send their catch dogs in without seeing the hog first.....guess what....those folks just got some dogs killed cause you thought it was cool to turn loose a no eared hog.
It is very well possible that your dogs are what you say they are. But im not impressed with all the patting of your back that you do as some on here are. You make out like your John Wayne but there are lots in your area as handy as you if not more.
As said above....I ment nothing disrespectful about the hog with no ears....but as a hunter you might want to think of the others who might run into him down the road and might not know how to handle the situation as you did....just a thought.
If any questions give me a call....409-682-5427 Craig
I know quit a bit of fellars that are three times the cowboys I am and john wayne was just an actor that ACTID the part I am not tring to prove anything I post picture of what I am proud of now I have spent alot on this site the last few days my wife has had a surgery so I am spending time here at home with her she is sleeping most of the day so I get on here and play got a free chane to go hunting yesterday went enjoyed it and caught a few hogs my dog are no better than anyone else thet just work real good for me I'm not any better cowboy than anyone else but I barr hogs thats what I do maybe I was rude for putting you on the spot and I am sorry for that but I just felt like the way you posted was rude and understand that is the way you feel about no eared hogs but I am always up for a chalenge and that hog might travle off my place but he is a barr and when you hunt you now that there are a chance of baying this type of hog with or without ears I bayed this hog and did not no he didn't have ears and did not complain you and for green hands I'm sorry if you was to loose a dog to a hog like this but it also might give you an education.Sorry for putting you on the spot like that it will just starts trouble that is not what I am here for .I hope this ends this and you understand where I'm coming from ther is no need for me to call you but if you feel you need to talk to me my numberis 281-659-5973
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
It's not like cward cut the ears off of a bad a** hog, barred him, and cut him loose. the hog didnt have ears. He caught a hog and barred it. Now....On the other hand, Lets leave ole John Wayne out of it!
Thanks guys yes the turtle will probally bite your dogs legs off I brought him home for my kids to see him then we let him go live another 20 years I'm not much of a killer to hogs I only kill what I can eat If I hunt a place that don't want the hog I give the hogs to my nieghbor with the high fence.All the ranchers that I hunt there propeties understand and trust me.
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
keep the snapper he might make agood catcher for them no eard