go to this board
http://bluelines.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=bobcat there are a lot of good cat hunters there. go to garry roberson he runs blueticks in west texas, very knowledgeable cat hunter, very high success rate..and he is a good guy.
http://www.biggamehoundsmen.com/forum/index.php?sid=6091a5bddd78113fbf4dfcf8bdf105b8 this board ask for david sudduth. he is in cleveland, tx he has been hunting cats for many many years..another really good guy.
both these places have many good cat hunters and they can point you in the right direction, maybe even get you set up with a good cat dog or two(they'll cost you some serious change, but they will be sure enough cat dogs). very admireable what you are doing to be with your boy. it'll bay off in the long run, a boy always needs a good strong role model in their life. i coach high school football and every year it seems that i gain a new son(in addition to my biological two).