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Author Topic: Bremond questions ?  (Read 957 times)
Boar Slayer
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« on: June 13, 2009, 04:37:57 pm »

i have heard from several attendants from last months bay that there was kind of a slow turn around on bays. (time between dogs and between catagories). and alot of beer Huh? ..... "dont bother me as long as its responsable, just dont like idea of my kiddo being stepped on by someone because drunk"...
like the idea of the shaded area !

have you thought about picking up the pace so you can fit the large # of prospected dogs ?
is some one gonna be keepin ball rollin all day so we can finish ?
what time is auction going to be held ?
what is shoat bay ?
who can we contact about volenteering for duties around event ? ( i personaly would love to help out !)
any details on bbq dinner ?   catered/pot luck/?Huh?   time?
what time opening gates in morning ?  (sounds like every one is trying to get their early.)  Grin

lookin forward to meeting alot of you .................... JASON S.

Danged ole dirtydog !
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 05:05:49 pm »

i didnt see alot of beer last time. i did see some but it was very family friendly.  I would like to see the time between the classes be sped up but i understand that the hogs have to be checked and cool down. i left went and sat down at a restaurant and ate came back and still sat around for 30 minutes before they started up again. i think that more hogs would fix that problem.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2009, 05:08:27 pm by nosightsneeded » Logged
Strike Dog
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« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2009, 08:04:09 pm »

  I didn't see any drunk folks running around last time and that is something I monitor pretty closely.  This is a family event, so you can rest assured that there will not be any rowdy stuff going on.  If there is anyone acting rowdy the WILL be informed to leave and will not be able to come back to the baying.  This is about family, good times, hog dog sports and the TDHA.  If someone can't hold their alcohol they can leave.  If someone wants to fight they can leave.  It's just that simple!  No ill mannered folks will be tolorated.  So far we have been really blessed with GREAT people.
  The turn around on events was addressed and taken care of.  The hogs being already loaded in their perspective shutes proir to the events will make things run a lot faster.  Plus we have a lot more hogs this time.  We are also entertaining the idea of a optional jackpot instead of the calcutta which would also cut down on a lot of time.
  The baying will be started at 7 AM this time with the puppy bay being first.  Don't be late because we cannot hold the events.  It also slows everything down.  I would hate to see someone not run because they were late.  The BBQ will be in the form of BBQ sanwiches which you can purchase at the conssession stand, at anytime.  We are not sure as to when we will hold the silent auction.  It will be announced at the baying when we see what all we have to auction.  As far as, help at the baying we feel we have it covered but if volunteers are needed we will anounce it and folks can pile in and help if they want too.
  Again don't be concerned about bringing your family.  This event is and always will be policed very well and is for everyone, that want's to enjoy our wonderful sport, hog hunting talk and great people.
 Thanks again,
 Gilbert Thompson
 T-N-T Bay Pen         

Gilbert Thompson
T-N-T Bay Pen
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2009, 09:52:45 pm »

i have heard from several attendants from last months bay that there was kind of a slow turn around on bays. (time between dogs and between catagories). and alot of beer Huh? ..... "dont bother me as long as its responsable, just dont like idea of my kiddo being stepped on by someone because drunk"...
like the idea of the shaded area !

have you thought about picking up the pace so you can fit the large # of prospected dogs ?
is some one gonna be keepin ball rollin all day so we can finish ?
what time is auction going to be held ?
what is shoat bay ?
who can we contact about volenteering for duties around event ? ( i personaly would love to help out !)
any details on bbq dinner ?   catered/pot luck/?Huh?   time?
what time opening gates in morning ?  (sounds like every one is trying to get their early.)  Grin

lookin forward to meeting alot of you .................... JASON S.

i'll tell ya what brother there was beer but i didn't see not one person get out of line.  i had my wife, 18month old son, and 3.5 year old daughter there and my wife and i don't personally drink and don't tolerate drunkeness or stupidity due to alcohol and we had ZERO problems.  there was only one incident that i felt was out of line and it was the way someone treatin their dog as he walked by the TDHA booth (where we were).  But i don't think the one incident that lasted a few seconds overshadowed the event as a whole.  i did make a comment to the guy, and he quickly realized he was in the wrong apologized and went about his business. 

if you asked me if i'd take my wife and kids again the answer is yes.  there was a lot of children running around and they had a good time playing together and everyone was very mindful of everyone's kids as a whole.  i was very pleased and was glad i attended as i had the same apprehension you're voicing now.  well worth it in my mind.
Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2009, 07:06:15 am »

Hey will there be anything set up for young green dogs who have never seen a hog, or is everything pretty much geared for the dogs  that are competing?   I have a young mix breed that I was goiong to have tag along if there was anything like that.  I am new to this type of hunting, and I'm not really sure how to set up my own training for such as this.  This is a big difference than using pigeons for retriever training.

Alpha Dog
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« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2009, 07:37:08 am »

Any one wanting to help out for a while at the TDHA booth is welcome, just see me.

Ken, get with gilbert on showing a new dog a hog, he can help you out.

If from down my way will help you get it started in the wooded pen, just get with me.

Douglas Mason
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« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2009, 04:21:41 pm »

Thank you, I will do that.  Hope to get to meet you in Bremond.

Boar Slayer
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« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2009, 09:45:37 pm »

so gilbert,
can you answer some of those questions for me on firtst post?
well i guess you answered some but can you hit on the others please. thnx

Danged ole dirtydog !
Strike Dog
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« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2009, 10:51:52 pm »

Hey dirty dog what questions do you need answered

proud TDHA member
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