Circle C
Craig, I can only catch hogs on weekends now.  Looking back the last couple months, I have had dry runs almost every time I hunted a weeknight, and every weekend I've been successful...not sure what the deal is.
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
I like the pictures....sounded like a nice weekend.
It seems to me the pigs like to run on those high fence places....dogged or not. I know I always have heck...
Rex Bumpus
I like the pictures....sounded like a nice weekend.
It seems to me the pigs like to run on those high fence places....dogged or not. I know I always have heck...
I'll second that. The only high fence place I've been on was full of runners. It was a small place less and 200 acres but seemed like the hogs were doing laps in there  . We ended up with a few hogs and caught an earless boar so we did all right but had to work for it. Matt, was it all open like that or was there some thick stuff? Seems like it always takes the dogs a hunt or two before the get up to par in new terrain. It happens to us every year during grain season...first hunt in the corn almost always results in no hogs and me scratching my head wondering where i'm gonne get some new dogs from. Waylon
« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 08:04:37 pm by Wmwendler »
The scenery pics are VERY deceiving!!! The areas that we hunted in were shinnery and cedar thickets and for those that don't know a shinnery thicket is like a corn field of oak trees, very thick, very hard to move in etc. We got on and saw plenty of hogs but the terrain and brush made it challenging to get the hogs shut down and caught. I know when I use to hunt out west we hunted around similar stuff and the hogs loved the shin oak for the all the reasons mentioned above. Between that and the rocks the dogs think you have taken them to the moon when they hit the ground. Matt
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
Bay Dog

Posts: 48
This is how I roll
glad you found that bad boy and i didnt i cant stand snakes
would you hurry up and flip this pig
I do know the ranch chris just never hunted it, only did AC work on it a few years ago. Prob before these people owned it. Anyway glad yall had a good hunt. Aint the shin oak fun!!!