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Author Topic: Went through HELL to get this boar.  (Read 523 times)
Pig Sticker
Hog Dog Pup
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« on: January 28, 2013, 03:57:53 pm »

Three weeks ago we caught a boar that cut the dogs up pretty good. So they got a little break giving them time to heal. Well i felt like the dogs were ready so i took them late last night.  Everything went well on the first pig the dogs did good and everything went well except my catch dogs rolled out before I could get them on a leash. Well they ran about 600 yards (as we were following them with the garmin). And stopped in the middle of a clearcut or what used to be clear and I thought oh hell we are going to have to run in those thick briars and get them out. And when something like this happens you can't stop and take a break because you've got dogs on the other end that are relying on you. Well as we were running I heared my Pitt barking (which I had never heard unless she got into a fight which she rarely does especially while we're hunting) I thought oh crap they are in there fighting or something. Well we finally get through about 50 yards of briars and I mind you that visibility is about 3 ft due to the briars well I start hollering at the dogs to stop fighting and I take three more steps and all I see is this 250 lb hog and my 30 lb pit going at it and I realized my best catch dog is not there. I just knew that she was dead. That is not a good feeling when your best dog (best friend) Ain't there and you knew that she was there earlier. Well I hurry up and kill the pig and start looking for my other dog and she's over to the side laying down. I go over to her and she's still alive but not moving. I started to freak out. We picked her up and carried her out of the clear cut to the nearest water and she got something to drink, regained her energy walked out with us.  She wasn't cut up bad just monkeyed out for catching that hog for 10 min.  She's still doing good this morning but y'all make sure y'all pray for her healing. Overall it was a pretty good hunt and the dogs did good but it seems like all I can get on here lately are are the rough ones. I haven't had a hunt in the last month that I haven't had to worry about the dogs health when I get home. But I recon that's hog hunting sometimes.  And If your headed to the swamp you better leave your skirt at the house.

That is the one that got them 3 weeks ago.

These are the two that they killed last night.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 04:03:44 pm »

Glad it worked out ok!

"Let's talk some philosophy"
Pig Sticker
Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 04:20:00 pm »

Yeah I sure hate the catch dogs to get loose. Cause it takes a lot more energy to catch the hogs for ten minutes. And it's more dangerous. Than it is for the bay dogs to bay for 10 min.
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