Yes sir, we have both the mother and father. We bayed the father at the last Bremond baying. We will have her there on the 20th not sure if she will bay like she does here at the house, but we plan on running her anyways. We will bring her papers and everything cause Mr Mason wants to look at her also! Were you at the last Bremond baying Critter Catcher?
Critter Catcher
No I didn't make it to the last one but plan on being at this next one. I'll keep an eye out for her next weekend. She is a good looking gyp.
We will be there bright and early! I think we are gonna leave the house around 4:30 Just look for us!
Well the little girl was kinda star struck with all the people there at bremond and didn't do diddly! We are gonna keep her untill she is baying hard with alot of people around. She bay's good at the house, but i figured with all the people there she wouldn't do nothing! This means that once she is started well and working good with alot of people around, the price will go up! I will keep everyone posted on how she improving as we continue to work her! Thanks, and sorry for the poor showing at the baying!