So the gentleman being interviewed in the video below was lead to believe that the production company was filming a documentary in a positive light in regards to keeping a snake collection. He agreed to allow the crew to come into his home and film his collection. This is indeed a responsible keeper and he keeps all of his reptiles in locked secure enclosures. LONG story short, the production crew was filming for the show Fatal Attractions (one of the most full of crap show out there) and when the show actually aired, this gentleman was portrayed in a horrible light. AP was trying to portray him as an irresponsible keeper, and they tried to convince/push him into giving up his reptiles, even though he was breaking NO laws. There was ALOT of camera trickery, amongst other terribly shady dialogue to this guy's family members that were there. Bottom line is.....Animal Plant seems to be following closely in PETA's footsteps.....Animal (rights) Planet is NOT our friend folks. Especially if you are a hunter and work dogs, or if you're a reptile or exotic animal keeper! Law abiding or not! Don't be fooled!
Link to interview: really have no control over what scenes they use, and what they edit in/out. They will MAKE you look like an irresponsible individual no matter what. I figured I'd share this since we recently had an individual considering allowing AP to film at a bay comp. So happy he didn't!
****I didn't share this story to start any discussion on snakes. This was just a great example of AP's antics. I too am a responsible (non-venemous) snake keeper, so please no one start bashing reptiles, thank y'all****