I'm wanting to trade or mayb sell my catch dog. He's about a year and a half old. Still green. Been on about 15 hogs in the woods. Caught by the jaw a few times and the last about 8 times he's caught an ear. Has alot of puppy left in him but after you get him out of his pen or off his chain for a little bit he calms down alot. Knows wat a bay is! And will go to it! I want to trade him for a .357, .44, .45, or something around that caliber revolver. May consider selling him just call or txt he's about 55-60 pounds and leggy
In HAMILTON Tx. Southeast of stephenville 45 minutes, and north of lampassas 30 minutes. I won't drive to far.
Call or txt 254-216-0510
Email is
dgillespie1201@aol.com I don't check email!!!