Hey guys. My business, Broken Pine Outfitters, is hosting our 1st annual Hogs & Claws hunting tournament this year on April 18-21. The weigh-ins will be held at the Etech parking lot in Lufkin, TX. You can hunt anywhere in the state of Texas as long as you weigh in your animals and have at least one representative present at the final weigh in on Sunday, April 21st. The targeted species are hogs, foxes, coyotes and bobcats and the tournament is based on a scoring system with certain points for each animal brought in. The grand prize is us offering our professional film crew for 2 days (4 hunts) to film any hunting or fishing adventure you choose for us to follow you on. Other prizes for the heaviest hog, biggest cutters, heaviest coyote and heaviest bobcat will also be given, courtesy of various hunting stores. On the 21st at the last day of the weigh-in (located at the parking lot of Etech in Lufkin, TX), there will be a live country band, BBQ and various vendors with booths there to draw an audience for the teams as they bring in their final harvests. Details and info can be found either on our Facebook page at Broken Pine Outfitters or online at
www.brokenpineoutfitters.com. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to view our videos so you can see the Broken Pine Outfitters hunting film crew in action and the quality of work we produce. Also, sign up by April 1st and you'll receive a free Broken Pine Outfitters decal. Thanks in advance! Hope to see you all there!
Our rules sheet does not say this, but bars ARE FAIR GAME and WILL BE SCORED!