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Author Topic: 2 dogs for sale, south east texas  (Read 766 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: April 02, 2013, 02:20:13 pm »

I posted these last week but with a death in the family and the holidays I hadnt been able to get everyone pictures that asked for them.....and to who ever  sent me a text at 3:30 in the morning askin for pics you are a donkeys rear and these dogs will not be sold to you.....if you dont like it too bad.

I rarely sell dogs and my previous 2900 posts on this site will prove that I am not a peddler and have nothing to hide. I have been hunting with dogs since 2004 and have never been one to pass along a cull. I no longer have the time or land to work these dogs. At one point here recently I was stronly leaning towards gettin completely out of the sport but I know I will miss it. I do not get to hunt like I used to and with a 1 yr old and hopefully another on the way soon I don't forsee any extra time becoming
Available in the next few years.....

The dogs I am posting here are NOT started, the blue pit is not old enough to start, he only needs a couple more months.

Next I have a male blue pit that is now 9 months old for sale. He is a stud for his age and I imagine will be getting quite a bit bigger as he ages. He is very good natured and I have had zero issues with him and other dogs on my yard. Asking 200 but make me an offer and we can go from there.

Located in China Texas just outside Beaumont

409-926-7505 or

Text or email preferred.......if you are going to contact me in the middle of the night please email me. Thanks
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 08:24:27 am by UNDERDOG » Logged

"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
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