Lloma is a 2 yr old gyp will find and bay her own hog!! She will put you on hogs as soon as you get it. Timid dog like most Lacey's she is a great all round dog. Small frame can run for days has great bottom to her. Bays loose and will roll out once cd gets there. I'm THINNING down and I have 4 other strikes that are Alittle better than her. She will be someone's top lead dog. She will yip on a hot track once maybe 2 yips then shuts up till bayed. Will bump a skunk with other younger dogs other than that she is broke. I'm asking 1800 for her. I will show her or a week trial.
PLZ no tire kickers this dog is serious so don't call just unless you are interested and have the money.
Located in may tx near brownwood (central tx)
214-316-9701 or