I have a 320 garmin and 5 collars. 2 dc40's been used 10 times or so. One needs new antenna. One dc30 is brand new refurbished. One dc30 needs new batteries and the other is fine. The 320 was bought in February. $1,100. I have a dog and hog trailer very nice. U can back up to a trap and load hogs too. You can pull it with wheeler. It has lights on the outside and inside all the dog boxes. Great for a competition. Text for pics. $1,800 firm. I have a wheeler dog rack for $100 and a frot dog rack for $50. The front rack was thrown together quick the day before a hunt so it's not pretty. It will hold 3 dogs and 4 in the back. I also have some shock collar stuff I haven't decided on price. 318-789-4122