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Author Topic: Deer and dog interaction. Opinions wanted.  (Read 2400 times)
Strike Dog
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« on: July 31, 2013, 12:32:50 pm »

Deer seaon is right around the corner. Ive already been kicked off a few places because the deer hunters think my dogs mess up the deer paterns. For those of you that deer hunt the same place you hog hunt. what do you think? my opionon is that as long as the dog isnt chasing the deer than it doesnt  effect the deer. The UP bear houndsman had a study done about this a few years back. never got to read the results from the "experts". I do know that bear season and bow season overlap and a lot of deer are shot in the same area that the dogs are run on bear.
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MR. Whitten

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« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 12:39:20 pm »

  well it is not so much the dogs as it is the people whooping and hollering and driving around on their atv's that disturb the deer   lol  .  you'll never convince a deer [ harvester ] that dogs don't mess up their harvesting expert studies or not .

hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2013, 12:45:25 pm »

  well it is not so much the dogs as it is the people whooping and hollering and driving around on their atv's that disturb the deer   lol  .  you'll never convince a deer [ harvester ] that dogs don't mess up their harvesting expert studies or not .

U r very correct mr whitten.
Them die hard deer hunters r to stupid to know any better. They got a 1 track mind n horns r the only thing at the end of the track. Iv hunted hogs n deer on public land in the same spot n had sucess killin deer n catchin hogs. When i hunt, i hunt for food, not horns. I found it a lil hard to eat them horns n they made terrible soup. Stupidity cant b fixed legaly

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Alpha Dog
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« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2013, 01:05:31 pm »

In my opinion dog will desturb deer very little we use to run deer with dogs and the big bucks would be at about the same spot every day we would usely run him all day catch the dogs and he would be back in the same area the the next morning
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2013, 01:12:56 pm »

Hunted deer with dogs a lot when I was growing up in the 70's. I  killed a chit pile of deer after the dogs jumped and ran the deer for a long ways. After the hunt was over and all dogs and hunters had left I would go  back to where the dogs jumped them and just take a seat in the swamp and wait for the deer to sneak
back in the area. I'm talking hours later not days. In my neck of the woods people just hate hunting dogs
in general. Hogs are destroying the marsh in areas and they refuse to let hog dogs on the property. They
are convinced the dogs will run all their deer off. And as halfbreed said, you can not convince them otherwise.

Every year in the Louisiana Legislature there is an effort by hunting groups to band all dog hunting.
Luckily there is enough old timers in the legislature that see dog hunting as part of our heritage and
they throw it out. I'm worried whats going to happen when them old timers are gone.

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Alpha Dog
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« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2013, 01:16:46 pm »

Every time I have hunted I run across deer. Usually the deer wont even move they just stand in the field as I drive by. Its real nice when I take a avid deer hunter out and show them that the dogs do not mess anything up for them and then afterwards they are like well you sure where right. In my opinion if your dogs are trash broke and don't even look at the deer, what are they messing up. The deer aren't going to run unless they are being chased for the most part.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2013, 01:18:13 pm »

My thinking is them boys in South Texas run a lot of hogs and use dogs to gather cattle the same way they bay pigs and they seem to shoot the biggest and most deer
Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2013, 03:47:29 pm »

Non factor but you're never going to convince most "Deer Only" hunters of that. I know because for the most part i am(just starting to explore and learn as much as i can about this hog stuff which is why i frequent this forum) one and have battled my fellow deer hunters over this issue more than once. I grew up and hunted in a county in North Carolina where about half the deer hunters run dogs. Those same hunting clubs have been running dogs through  the same blocks of woods for at least 30 years and every year they manage to keep killing deer as they run from those same blocks of woods.

I never ran dogs but got in many arguments over the years with my fellow "still" hunters over whether or not our neighbors were messing up our deer hunting with their dogs. I always put meat in the freezer and even a few sets of horns on the wall so i was and am still of the opinion that dogs in the woods are not a huge problem. Now if i'm on stand and two walkers come barreling towards me i might be skunked that day but as long as you're not running your dogs on hogs while i'm sleeping in my tree, it shouldnt be a problem.

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« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2013, 04:19:40 pm »

Deer are creatures of habit.  IVe been deer huntin since i could walk and there have been more than a few times id hit a deer with an arrow only to have it come back the next day to give me a chance at redemption.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2013, 05:43:18 pm »

I think as long as the dogs aren't chasing the deer you will be fine.
You make noise filling feeders, etc...

If you cant hang with the big dogs STAY ON THE PORCH.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2013, 05:57:10 pm »

I don't see why the leases around here won't let you run dogs at night for hogs during deer season. You ain't supposed to be deer hunting a night. The dogs don't scare the dang deer away they don't even chase them. Even if they did they gonna come right back to the hundreds of feeders that drop corn every morning and evening. You always see them complaining about hogs eating up their food plots and messing up feeders and scaring off deer,  then they don't let the guys with dogs catch any. It's crazy. We have deer come into our yard almost every night. I'm talking we seen close to 20 at a time no lie. I have dogs kenneled  in my yard we have 3 acres. They stand under the street lights and walk up thru the neighbor hood all the time right next to houses. We've had big fires going at night and look out and there's deer out there. Them deer ain't scared of all that junk I've seen it first hand

Catch em, tie em, drag em out!
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2013, 06:04:16 pm »

The deer hunters here aggravate me. That's all we have is leases and they close up in July and August. After that my dogs sit there until the next year. I understand they don't want people at their stands and feeders that's fine there's plenty of places to hunt besides at your feeders!  I don't deer hunt at all I don't like it,  it's boring to me to sit there in a box and wait for one lol

Catch em, tie em, drag em out!
alapaha blue blood
Strike Dog
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« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2013, 06:35:55 pm »

We been hunting the same places for years 2-5 times a week and see 120-150" bucks on the regular the dogs run right by them no problem the deers just stand there and watch us go by and they are just as thick as the day we started hunting there
Catch Dog
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« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2013, 01:54:46 pm »

A lot of people around us don't understand how hunting pigs with dogs work either and there are some really smart ranchers that think we just go out turn these dogs loose and they go chase the pig or they think you just go in the brush walking with a bulldog see a pig and turn dog loose on him. When you tell them hey you ever go coon hunting when you were a kid and they say ya well then I say you spent a lot of time hunting for coons not cows not deer not skunks well it's the same way with us we hunt pigs not farm animals or deer! Usually they think about it a week or so and then give a call.
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« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2013, 04:52:22 pm »

  well it is not so much the dogs as it is the people whooping and hollering and driving around on their atv's that disturb the deer   lol  .  you'll never convince a deer [ harvester ] that dogs don't mess up their harvesting expert studies or not .

U r very correct mr whitten.
Them die hard deer hunters r to stupid to know any better. They got a 1 track mind n horns r the only thing at the end of the track. Iv hunted hogs n deer on public land in the same spot n had sucess killin deer n catchin hogs. When i hunt, i hunt for food, not horns. I found it a lil hard to eat them horns n they made terrible soup. Stupidity cant b fixed legaly

Attitudes like this are one of the reason deer and dog interactions become such an issue. We are die had trophy hunters, whether it be hogs, deer or fish.. We rotate with the seasons.  We have people beg us to come run their places before deer season and run the hogs out of our leases. Being deer hunters as well has opened countless doors and premier hunting leases.

We've never had a problem. Hogs will mess up your deer hunting faster than any dog will. I absolutely hate hogs during deer season. I shoot everyone I see. I make it a personal point to clean my lease out before bow season with my dogs.

Lets not forget, these men pay thousands of dollars for these leases and deer hunting. Who are we to criticize what their hobby is?? That's the pot calling the kettle black when you then get upset that they don't enjoy hog hunting with dogs. I can promise you, not every deer hunter out there is an idiot. Just because you personally don't enjoy the mental or physical challenge of killing a monster buck don't knock the man that does. Lets treat others as you wish to be treated. It will go a long  way in giving dog hunters a better name

Get ahead dog!
Shotgun wg
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« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2013, 05:44:38 pm »

Running dogs is something non dog runners will not understand unless they get a chance to experience it. A man that has only run hog dogs does not completely understand the effects of dogs on deer unless he has run deer dogs. Anyone that has ran deer dogs for extended periods still can't convince a non dog runner that dogs do not run deer off. If they did all the deer would be in the ocean because of yotes. I understand a man may not want dogs ran during deer season but does it affect them NO. The woods full of wheelers and the saws and hammers affect deer far worse than the dogs.

Strike Dog
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« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2013, 11:24:04 pm »

I've given up convincing tree stand hunters about how deer are NOT affected in any way by dogs. 

I live in the Florida Panhandle and have seen it first hand for most of my life.  Deer hounds can be put on fresh tracks in the same place every morning for a week.  The deer just keep coming right back and crossing the roads in the same places. 

I have jumped deer walking with hog dogs at midnight and a tree stand deer hunter killed a deer 100 yards away 6 hours later.  If he hadn't seen a deer, would it have been my fault?

It's the want-to-be professional hunters (loud mouths) in these deer lease clubs who convince everyone else all dogs are bad and mess up deer hunts.  The truth is driving four-wheelers to the tree stand at 08:30 with a hang over might be the problem.  Lazy over-privileged hunter's constantly tell me how money much they have invested in a tractor, seed, fertilizer, corn, four-wheeler, tree-stand, clothes, calls, etc.  Maybe if they would wake up a little earlier and walk a little farther they would kill more deer. 

We hunt for farmers who beg us to be there and then when the lease holders come in we have to try and convince them less hogs = more deer.  All they can do is whine about not killing deer.  One farmer losses $10,000 (in tractor work, and lost hay revenue) on one field, but won't let us hunt at night during deer season for fear of pissing-off lease hunters who paid him $1,500.  That's been going on for over 5 years!

Same with turkey hunting.  Dogs hunting at night causes turkeys not to gobble?  NO,... walking up and down a road in the day light talking, texting, and posting on face-book... while alternating a crow call, and hen yelp might be the problem.

I work part time on a private deer/turkey hunting preserve and white tail breeding farm.  It has been an eye opening experience to see how far deer DON'T move.  Turkeys aren't smart.  They just see very well and are afraid of every thing in the woods.

I don't deer hunt much anymore, but still occasionally hunt with friends who have chased deer with hounds for 4 generations.  My best friend and his two sons killed over 20 bucks in front of hounds last year.  Most of them within the same 5 square miles on PUBLIC land.


"We are all on our way out...ACT ACCORDINGLY"
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2013, 12:04:15 am »

I have a wooded bay pen deer are in there every Morning eating the feed I put in for the hogs and I run dogs in it several times a week but the deer are a nuisent to me so they will not be around when the deer hunters get ready to hunt ill just say maybe they didn't like the dogs
Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2013, 08:21:28 am »

I've hunted the ranch for 4 years 3x a week and good dogs with training will not trash on deer. I have not seen any movement difference on deer patterns all year long. The ranch is commercially hunted and all I dop is not run dogs 2-3 days before hunters arrive. I have spent my career studying deer and more disturbance is happening when they are actually hunting deer. I have had the owners family out while i have been hogging and they seen how my dogs work, and they see my dogs run right by deer and the deer stand there. Axis deer are more wary of human disturbance and hunting pressure than any other animal and the ranch has been more than successful in getting clients on trophies.  As i said before actually hunting the deer is more disturbing than hog hunting. The deer know when they are hunted, you can see the interaction when you enter the field and go to blinds. A little shooting at deer changes the whole dynamic. my landowner is very happy with my control of feral hogs. He encourages me to kill more and hunt more often, he can see the benefit of not seeing the damage and not seeing the hogs when they hunt. Best of all hogs are not disrupting the hunt for the clients. I kill 40-60 hogs a year off this place and barely keep them under control.
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