Hello. I just wanted to say hello to the ETHD site. I just got registered. I have been lurking for months reading all the great information on the site.
I have never hunted hogs before much less with dogs, but after hearing about it (about a year ago), watching videos online, and reading on sites like this one, I came to the conclusion this was something I wanted to do.
I made a decision to purchase a Dogo Argentino a couple years back before I even knew about the prevalence of hunting with dogs the U.S, especially in TX where I live. I fell in love with the breeds ability, I feel, to be a great family dog, ie large, laid back when needed, but energetic when it's time to be, but also intimidating enough that the unknowing 'creeps' will stay away from my house and kids. However, I never pulled the trigger and got one. Then I learned about hog hunting and the use of dogs. Realized Dogo's were bred for this and actively did so in America. It seemed right to get a dog and start learning/getting into the sport/activity.
I'm currently in the process of looking for help training my pup (6 month old Dogo male, pics below). I found a couple websites that offer training for pups that are also located in TX. I would love to do it myself I just don't own enough property to build a pen. I'll probably never be able to have more than 3 dogs on the property I own, but I do hope to eventually establish a small pack of 3 RCD dogos, but for now I just have the 1 dogo. I am also looking to establish some connections, on this site and hopefully others, with other hunters so I might develop a group of hunting partners.
So again I just wanted to say hello. I also wanted to know from those on this site, what is the best method for a new hunter to "get into" this activity.
Here are two pics of my pup. 6 months as of Sept 23rd. About 60lbs. No training yet, hoping he's not a dud, he does go for the ears of my other house dog when they are playing. I got him from someone who hunts his dogos in Florida who I believe got the sire and bitch from hunters in California (California Catchers). Ready to get going now that his K9's should be most of the way set.