Started the night off with a blown tire on the pickup so we put the spare on and it lasted about a mile lol got another pickup brought to us so we was going to finish what we started!! Got to the ranch loaded dogs in the pickup and drove maybe 200 yards and they left!!! Bayed a sounder at 240 yards. Sent the bulldogs from 50 and they caught a real nice sow. As we was nearly to the catch there was hogs laying down all over the place!!! I bent down and grabbed what I thought was a little 40 or so pound shoat and he stood up and was over 100 lbs!!! So needles to say I couldn't hold him by myself lol. Got to the caught hog and pulled salty and Cindy off and they went exactly opposite directions so we stayed there to see if either one could get one stopped. Salty opened first at 800 yards in the bottom of a canyon so we started to him. Hog kept moving on him and when we got to the edge of the canyon he wasn't bayed but was coming to us at a high rate of speed so we waited to see if he could get him stopped and he did 80 yards from us on top!!! Lol so we sent the bulldogs and caught a 160 lb. boar. He rolled over again and went over a mile and never got anything else stopped so drove to him and decided to call it a successful night!!
Here is the sow
The boar
This is the sow's right front foot
Bulldogs creep (on top) and Jonny Ringo