Website looks good Cajun. Nice job. You have some very nice hounds. The Kemmessabe dog looks double tough!
I also like the occasional red brindle and Maltese colored dogs in there. It looks like you end up with mostly dark brindle & black dogs.
I agree with other posters that Bio’s on your dogs describing their style & traits would be great to read. A Bio on you beneath the pic of you and your dogs walking out of the woods would be neat. Stories from hunters to support the pics would be awesome as well.
I got started in the dogs running hounds on Coon. Mostly grade walkers back then. I have an English hound now that I run on Coon when I can’t run my curs on hogs. Your Plotts are obviously double tough & produce game. Do you primarily track hunt them or do you cast, rig, & road them as well? Are they too gritty to run more than 2 dogs at a time? Are they bawl mouth on track and chop on a bay/tree or chop mouth all the way? Deep course mouth or high tenor or everything between them? Do they tend to be cold nose dogs that straddle until the track gets good and then they pick their head up and drift? What traits do the Weems, Swampland, & Shamrock lines contribute to your dogs? Just a few things that popped in my head. Sorry for rambling. I’m a nut about dogs.
Hi Shotgun, All good ideas and a few of the ideas we want to add is a testamonial page so anybody who has some bayou cajun plotts and would like to contribute with pictures and a paragraph on why you like them would be more then welcome. Not all of my dogs make the grade. I get my share of culls like everybody else. You never know when you make a first time cross.
I also want to feature a page with current dogs that have their pedagrees listed.
Most of my dogs are medium to cold nose with a few being really cold nosed. In the marsh we rely on rigging but we also cast dogs. On dry ground we track hunt so we like a well rounded dog.
My dogs are average gritty to very gritty. I have some that I have to be careful how I pair them up or they will catch everything. I would rather they bay and let the bulldog do the catching. Some of my dogs will bawl cold trailing but when the hog breaks they chop on a hot track. Some of my dogs have gotten tight mouth trailing like my Hank dog and Squaw female. They do not say a word and you will not hear them until bayed. I myself do not like that but most hoghunters love it. A silent plott. lol If they can smell it and move it, I like to hear them opening.
I sold the Kemmesabbe dog when he was a two. He was a running catchdog on hogs and I knew it was a matter of time before he would be killed. When my buddies and I get together sometimes we have way too many dogs out and we have had a few wrecks over the years.
When I started in Plotts, the first couple of years, I thought they were the sorriest breed going. I could not find one that would stay bayed by thereselves. Well we have to many split races to keep a dog that will not bay by thereselves. I got a Shamrock male and he was everything I was looking for. I had a female that I bred to a swampland dog & they were everything I was looking for. I had a straight Weems bred female that I crossed to a Swampland male and really liked that cross and I have bred those dogs back and forth. This was back in the 80's Back in the early days Everett Weems and Leroy Haug(Swampland breeding) started off with similar stock and bred back and forth. Leroy added some other stock to his line.
I used to get a few bucksins. My Trapper dog carried that gene. I had not had a Maltese in 30 years but have had a few popping up recently. I probably have more black brindles but have some brown and red brindles on the yard. I dont have a favorite color but if a dog is really starting to shine, I like his or her color. lol
Appreciate the response Cajun. You said a mouthful when you said you like “balanced” dogs. I understand the concern on too much grit as well. I transitioned to 100% loose bay dogs after raising a couple nice gritty dogs only to lose them right about when they were consistent, good handling dogs.
I’m always impressed by dogs like your Hank & Squaw dogs. Their ability to learn to be silent on track and “think” like a hog usually make them exceptional find dogs.
Much respect to you for putting 30 years into breeding a line of dogs that you and many others like. Keep it rolling man!
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