That cross sounds like an Aussie pig dog.I really like the sounds of them how do they handle heat?
Wisdom is something you get right after you need it.
Black Streak
I don't really let them loose to hunt when it's hot outside. I tend to put them on a lead and walk them to within sight of pigs when it's hot. I do most of the hunting at night when it's hot. I hunted hogs with a bow for years. Mainly stalking up on them at night. I still do this now and then as it's lots of fun but I've really traded my bow for two dogs on a lead. That's how my general approach to hunting the dogs is in summer. The dogs do well in the heat like this and it's my prefered style so I'm well paired with this style of dog.
Never hunted like that but it sounds like fun I don't have any spots with hog populations great enough to stalk them dogs have to work hard to catch em.
Wisdom is something you get right after you need it.