I do the same. Set the dogs up & fry them when they are on a deer. I also do what T-dog does to really send the message home. When I kill a deer I have it laying out by the barn. I go get a dog & put the leash around the deer's neck & snap the dog to it. The dog only has a foot or so of leeway & he is jumping around everytime I bump him but that deers head is coming up like it is chasing him. It really drives the point home. I have had dogs come back to me when other dogs were running deer. They wanted me to know they were not the guilty ones.lol
My Bosco dog dragged a doe 20 yards to me trying to get away from that deer.
after I have given my gamey pups shock therapy they would come back with their heads and tails down when they saw deer or smelled a hot deer track in the woods...pups that are gamey who have lots of bottom can be hard to break from deer running once they start...it is better to break them before they start...but only after they have started baying/running hogs...
I have found that doing it this way makes it very easy to break them...