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Author Topic: Wild acting dog???  (Read 2056 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2015, 09:04:43 am »

I hunt with some guys who never touch their dogs except to put tracking collars on or off.  These dogs will all load up after the hunt is over.  If you can't get him to load, I would cull.  Think about all the time that is wasted while hunting when someone is trying to catch a coyote acting dog. 

what I highlighted along with what Mr. Myles said pertaining to the amount of effort needed to fix a dog like that is what I was hitting on when I said what I previously said about a chitty dog..........

I 100% agree that yes, more than likeyl with enough time/ work put into the dog doing the things that "mike" and "jsh" mentioned that I imagine that you could tame him down enough to use him for what you intend to use him for, I for one personally do not care to deal with those issues in dogs I personally raise/ own. Absolutely not knocking anyone who does, just not my cup of tea.

 I don't treat my mutts as pets and don't handle em too much but when I need/want to put a hand on one for one reason or another I expect to not have any issues doing it and I don't ask much of them other than to shut up in the yard and act normal/decent........ I simply refuse to put any time or effort into a dog that I cant handle as needed/ I said before, there are FAR to many good dogs that will act right from the get go for me to mess with a chitty one..... if the dog will load/ unload and follow basic commands then I have zero issues with it but if it won't well I won't bother with it, don't care how it acts in the woods.....and I hope I don't come off a rude, I really am not trying to be in any way shape or form but I honestly do not have the spare time or patience to work with a dog like that nor do I care to..... hog huntin w/ my mutts is a means to relax and unwind for me, I don't do it out of necessity to feed my family I do it simply because I enjoy it nothing more, I enjoy hunting with good friends, family and dogs.......if one of my mutts makes in unenjoyable then well he won't be mine for long  Wink

"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
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« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2015, 09:34:19 pm »

That's right justin, to many folks lose sight of it being enjoyable and fun, I want things to go as smooth as possible, one thing my dogs better have and that is a handle, I hunt to many places where you might have to call a dog off (mainly deer or turkey seasons). I have a friend who thinks it's a macho man deal if his dogs don't listen to him when he's trying to catch them off a track, says it shows heart, I for one think it shows ignorance on his part, he's the one out in the cold when it's in the 30's trying to catch his dogs while I'm sitting in the heat with mine in the box
Judge peel
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« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2015, 11:17:15 am »

This is very important to me if I call the dog it best come to me or be on a hog. I don't care how good it Hunts or how good it's bred or where it comes from. I teach my dogs to sit and heel on comand if they won't give me that I don't want them. I had dogs in the past that you couldn't catch very skiddish don't like that at all. I will just leave them out there if it's skiddish I dang sure won't put any gear on it been there done that lost more than what the dog was worth lol. IMO more hassle then pay off
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