« on: May 07, 2015, 06:26:20 pm » |
Hadn't had any hogs showing up since acorns dropped. A month ago, a nice Lil boar started to make the rounds pretty reg. Called a fella I hadn't hunted withbefore, but was friends with a fella I do hunt with abit.this fella. I was told, had a ab that was perfect for the kind of rough terrain and bluffs and hills I have. so we plan to hunt last nite, before he gets here, I can cameras & throw out more corn. Cameras show a younger boars hoped up with the bigger fella. Well. Wayne shows up and I collar up a young jagd ab. Ross that ain't never seen a hog, and a Lil car batch that's seen a few. Wayne has his ja upab batch a pit, and 2 pit car cross pups. Turn out aT 9 , about when hogs been showing up, make a good 2-3 mile loop,no pigs. We figure maybe we'd just start back at the corn pile and see if the boars slipped when we left ou we sit a whileandhis ja. Up ab keeps working hillside south of us, young dogs are all chasi g lightni g bugs and such, 20 mi orso, and a hasworked down to creekAnd we thought we heard a squeal, the dogs headed that way, then pulled up. WIt another mi ute or 2, and heargrunting for sure, and head down. The young dogs get their inaflash and when they all catch, u can hear the squea. We get on down and its the Smaller boar, maybe 60-70lbs. Perfect size for my young dogs to work. Got em stuck and drugout, just good to see my ab jagd cross so pumped, she was on fire for that hog. And my Lil car was too. Thing I liked was I called my car off the hog and she listened real good. Goodnight and first hog of the year off myplace. Of. Ourse, when we looped around and got down wiND of the corn pile,every dog was winding and straining on their leads. But Wayne. Ouldnt satay any longer, and sho Nuff, chk camera this morning g, big boar was on corn pile at the time we were walking out.maybe we'll get him soon