« on: July 30, 2017, 08:29:35 pm » |
What's up fellas? I haven't signed in in a while, but I still get on here and read quite a bit. I sold out a while back. Yeah I know I know. Real dog men don't sell out. But I had to. Money, Medical and work reasons. But I sold the dogs I had to a buddy with the understanding that I can hunt them when ever I want to. And I had the option to buy back if they were Ever sold again. I haven't hunted them because it just don't feel the same. But man when I get to reading on here it makes me want to see good team of curs in a hogs face so bad. A bulldog loosing his mind on the lead because he knows what all the fuss is about. Man o man....I sure miss it. It's good to see that most of the same folks are still here. It won't be too long and the weather will be cooling down and I hope y'all wear em slap out !!!
Take your kids hunting and you wont have to hunt your kids
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2017, 06:46:35 am » |
Hopefully you can get back into it.. it's hard to walk away from it for sure.
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2017, 11:19:54 am » |
Ive come close multiple times myself, just never could make myself do it but i dont fault a man for doin it to take care of his family/health. Hope you get back into it when the time is right.
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"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2017, 01:23:54 pm » |
Im in the same boat. Between flt training, which isnt cheap for airplanes, but now iv dove off into the stupid end of the pool and moved over to helicopters, which about $500 anhr a piston job, and $1000 an hr for turbine, which i just moved over to turbines and hopefully about 15hrs is all it'll take to finish me up. And traveling 8-9 months of the yr, on a 12 and 6 rotation, and only having 4 days at hm, i cant keep my chores caught up. Plus iv started my own part time heli maint business, which bounces me from houston (3hr drive 1 way) to the d/fw area (2-2.5 hrs 1 way). I just havent had time to hunt much, to include deer hunting. Even after i get my flt training finished, im hopping to go to the south pacific and fly for tuna boats, which is a 1 yr contract, AFTER a few months of learning how maintain the type of helicopter they use for tuna wrangling, so all said and done, i could be gone for around 15 months. If that happens, im getting rid of most of my dogs, leaving me 5 to feed, plus ill probably get rid of my chickens and i hate to, but my pigs too. Keeping food on the table, a roof over our heads and bills paid seems to cut deep into the pocket book. Hopefully my business kicks off and become profitable enough, i just go ck on progress or help out when a problem comes up that the mechs cant figure out.
Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2017, 10:14:18 pm » |
Thank y'all fellas. Charles it seems like you been busier than I would want to be. Sound like fun work though. I have my eye on a couple of young pups that have been offered to me. I've got some time on my hands now and the funny thing is, without me even mentioning it, my wife told me the other day she wants to start back hunting. She likes it as much, if not more than me. She don't look like it, but that girl is a dang firecracker. She's a little thing, but she's put hands on some good hogs. I have to watch her because she'll jump in over her head without even thinking about it. That's how I like em.
Take your kids hunting and you wont have to hunt your kids