Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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Hog Doom
Posts: 3633
It's a good day to have a great day!
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2010, 09:14:34 am » |
Well Josh since you must know - I bought gear from all of those and few more and with experience in owning and feild trialing/showing other breeds of dogs It did not take long to realize that my purchased "cut Gear" was hindering movement, Then not offereing the right protection in the right places and I started working towards finding the best product for my own dogs - that led to my friends and hunting partners asking me to get their stuff made like my stuff, and their friends, friends and so on and it grew into a business because It was taking too much time. I have not sold a vest in 2 plus years, so it looks like you are being Biased. Someone asks for help I still give it to them, not all vests are gonna fit all dogs correctly, Usuall (not always) I can look at a dog and know what will fit them best by body shape, Usually I can look at a vest on a dog and tell you it will have rubbing problems or the dogs gonna move stiff, or the dog CANNOT GET FULL EXTENSION/range of Motion ON THE FRONT LEGS and this is one of my biggest gripes. I put my time into studying this, and will stand my ground cause - when I am right then I am right, and I am confident that I know what I am talking about. I don't owe anybody here or anywhere an explanation or a resume', but will offer to help anyone that wants it or asks it.
Josh, I have used many, but now I stick to what works, what I have feild tested, and I am still feild testing vests that over 6 years old, That vest that is that old is still holding up, still has not been cut through it, so yes I use the stuff I had a hand in designing that still works. I also use stuff that is sold by UglyDog Ranch that is manufactured elsewhere, because it has the qualities I look for in a vest. Seems to me a investigator/reporter would have come out and ask to be fair and impartial.
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2010, 09:19:54 am » |
Crystal, I apologize if you took personal offense to any of my post in this thread.
Real men love Jesus.
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
Global Moderator
Hog Doom
Posts: 3633
It's a good day to have a great day!
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2010, 09:34:36 am » |
Josh, its not just you, but most don't understand how much concern, time, effort, my heart, I pour into hunting with dogs, taking care of dogs not just mine. Trying to look out for yours and everybody elses too. If there comes a time when UglyDog Ranch stuff becomes crap and hurts dog, and I know it, I won't be putting it on my dogs either, its hard not to take stuff personal that you care so much about. Appology accepted, and THank You for that. I appologize if I come across as a know it all, time is short and I usually don't type but a short to the point message.
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2010, 09:35:25 am » |
I use saddle pads with the inpact gel and see the need for it there, and am happy with them so far, but what cut resistance does the gel have? Maybe im wrong here but catch dogs are usually injured do to a cut not the impact therefor I would suppose that the gel is only added weight and heat. Also what if the gel is cut do you repair that? Again I can only suppose.
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2010, 09:43:20 am » |
Here is a picture of my dog in the Gladiator vest. I do not have enough time in it to give a good opinion yet but when I do I'll let yawl know. However, I can say I like the way the vest feels and fits and like the adjustable chin guard. It is light weight and has good movement, even wet. It does not seem to hinder my dogs at all and I do feel they have the most protection they can get. Yes, it will be too hot in the summer months. My Guardian is too small for Sledge so I though I’d try something new. When I find some dang hogs over 100lbb with some teeth I’ll update ya……  
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2010, 09:50:55 am » |
Look forward to the feedback MPorter.
Real men love Jesus.
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2010, 10:00:31 am » |
I do not know anything about the gladiator cut vest! But I do know that I have had a lot of cut vest and I always ended up with a catch dog cut. Either through the vest or where the vest did not cover. I was a penny pincher when I first started just buying cheaper vest. Finally I got tired of having dogs that could not hunt because they were injured. So I spent a little more and bought 3 guardian kevlar vest from wildboarusa one for each catchdog. Since then I have had very few injurys and none of them would keep a dog from hunting. I think they (wildboarusa) have a very good product that works! JMO!!
Fear is only a word in the mind of the weak!
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2010, 12:22:15 pm » |
they should have put the pic of your dog on there ad. It looks like it fits your dog alot better than the one they have pictured.