For sale:
UKC reg female Plott, 20months old, big game bread.
I got the dog at 11 months with the grand aspiration of having a long range dog but I had no idea what I was getting into. She is WAY TOO long range! I put her in the woods after a month of pen work and she went to hunting....... She hunted hard and long, getting off of the 1300ac pretty quick. I only put her on the ground one time after that with the same result. Being that my properties are only 500 to 2500ac, I decided rather quickly that long range hounds are not for me
She never opened up on track and she never trashed even though there was ample opportunity but I don't have enough experience with her to say she wont.
She bays her butt off in the pen and has pretty good grit.
I decided that I would keep her long enough to breed which is exactly what I did. The pups are weened as of today.
If anyone is in need of a LONG range dog with way more hunt than I can handle, Ill sell her for $200.