Seen the deer cutting across the pasture so i firgured WTH good as time as any to mach sure boomer and trixie wouldnt break track
and trash out on deer
I took wilber trough thre trees and to on of the traps and around to the well house and fed him a lil in there
went back to the kennels and suited Boomer and Trixie up( just to keep them wearing the gear and cut them lose
we went by the tankand through the brush and the dogs cut wind and was off they crossed the deers tracks 2 times and
didnt brea ranks and around to the well house and started to bay good then a squeal i droped everything and went to get them off the hog and put the turd back in the well house and shut the door
but its was a good lil training and i was proud they didnt trash out
heres a couple of pictures of Boomer and Trixie