« on: May 13, 2010, 10:07:48 pm » |
we hunt alot of public land and a couple private spots. but the hogs there are getting alot more miss than hit. i know we got alot of hogs on peoples private land around here. so my question is how did yall get the permission to hunt on peoples land? did you just go door knocking, put in classifieds in the paper, hang up stuff at ag stores, advertise or whatever? just wondering what has working the best for yall and any suggestions would be good.
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2010, 10:12:00 pm » |
All of the above will work, but having good references is the key a lot of times... kind of like a hog hunting resume'.
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2010, 10:25:27 pm » |
Hey gardner32 I think we meet at the atoka bey pen 2 weeks ago i was the only texan there i had the two pups that got stage fright their first time in front of the crowd. when i was trapping and needed a new spot i would post a sign for hog removal at the coffee shop reasturant or feed store where all the old farmer gathered at it allways got me a few contacts
From squeal to meal with one good stick! Hunting is not a sport, It's a way of life...Danny Ward
coyote hunter
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2010, 11:08:51 am » |
my name has got me alot of land but so has ppl seein me huntin with dogs on the hood theres not alot of hunters in my area but a boatload of hogs my fam soonered this area so my name is well known just talk to ppl offer to take em so they can see that the dogs wont affect nothin more than his hog population make some cards and hang em around ag places more ppl want u to hunt than u think especially if its doesnt affect their livestock or land negatively
bay tight, catch hard