« on: May 20, 2010, 06:37:52 pm » |
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 12:55:06 am by tnhillbilly »
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Bay Dog

Posts: 95
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2010, 08:40:59 pm » |
What are the bloodlines of the Sire and Dam
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2010, 11:41:49 pm » |
good deal ! i cant wait to see'em . i need to holler at ye again when i get a chance , got some bayed tight and need some help tyin'em down lol
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2010, 11:10:11 pm » |
sounds good, i bought me a truck, got a few miles on it, but in good shape. have to work a few tiny bugs out of it. soon as i get a dollar or two saved up, and a day off i'll have to head on down.
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« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2010, 12:57:49 am » |
What are the bloodlines of the Sire and Dam
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waylon-N.E. OK
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2010, 10:34:06 am » |
Good looking dogs, Your Gator dog is extra nice looking male, he is what i like to see conformation wise in a bmc. You should be proud
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2010, 11:25:20 am » |
The gator dog belongs to jason young, he is who i bought the female from. Got some really bad news, went to check on the pups this mornin and she had eat all of them but two, and one of them was dead. i think that they wasnt getting any milk, due to her bag being so low, that they couldnt find teats, and died. I've been working long hours and couldnt keep a good eye on them or maybe could have caught it in time and put them on a bottle, and i was affraid to put my hands in there and put them on myself because she is VERY protective of her pups, so it is a sad day at the franklin kennels.
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« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2010, 12:24:15 pm » |
Sorry to hear that. It's always something on the ones you have high hopes for.
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2010, 04:03:13 pm » |
you aint kiddin, i have raised hundreds of pups and only had that happen once that i can think of. had a couple accidental breedings and some that i wasnt real sure of raise everyone healthy as can be. i just hope that one makes it, but i'm not holding my breath.
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« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2010, 04:11:27 pm » |
Hey man. This is really strange but last Thursday my foundation pups were born, and by Friday 7 out of 8 had died! Like you, i have raised alot of pups and NEVER had this happen. The one that made it is doing very well though but i still have alot of questions left unanswered as to what happened.....
yeah, me too  jason has raised pups from her before and said that she was an exeptional mother, so i dont know. just one of those things i guess. just have to try again next time, but keep a closer eye on them.
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Dang hillbilly, I sure do hate to hear that about your pups. Never had one to eat pups but one of my buddies has......more than once. If you try it again maybe you'll have beter luck.
It's easy to judge the character of a man, how he treats those that can do nothing for him.
Well the only pup that she didnt eat, is still alive as of this morning. keeping my fingers crossed that it makes it. It is a little female. You know how they say when it rains it pours? well its pouring here, but to me, that just means theres a rainbow just ahead. No matter how bad it gets, I can always say that GOD has been good to me. Thers a roof up above me, I've a good place to sleep, theres food on my table, and shoes on my feet. Thank you LORD for your blessings on me.
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sorry to hear of all your losses with the pups... I use to raise great danes before i got into catahoulas and had the same thing happen only she didnt eat them they just started droppng like flies. she had a litter of 14 and we had 2 make it I buried 12 pups 3-4 days old. that sucked. i rushed the survivors to the vet along with the female i think i had about 6 left at that point it turnes out she had mastitus <probably need spell check on that one> the infection killed the pups. i tried to bottle feed and run IV saline through them but they died too. the two that did make it were really small and never grew much bigger than a bmc.
Hey man, I wanted to let you know that a budddy of mine had a blue lacy gyp that did the same thing on both of her litters. I dont want to tell another man what to do, but if you want to keep that last little gyp I would pull it off of her, cause she''ll get it too. I'd hate for you to loose all of em.
Hoghunters do it deeper in the bush.