Diamond G
« on: February 02, 2011, 10:38:37 pm » |
Went to Justin's Uncle Kenny's place in Sherridan after he called and said he had been seeing some sign. After workin some older sign and making our way to the back of his place the dogs rolled out to 400yds and we hear a couple of barks. We started in their direction with the catch dogs when we heard em bay up solid. Then we get a little closer and realize we have three bays workin. Two that were fairly close together and a new dog that I picked up Sunday 200yds past them. We get about 200 yds out and we thought we had the pack running at us. Not the case. Three bays turned to two by the time we got to 100 yds out. We did'nt get in too big of a hurry being that everything was baying and not catching. I have some pretty rough dogs. Turns out they were all beat up. I'm thinking thats why we didnt have one caught right away. Cut the catch dogs loose from about 75 yds out after seeing the bay for few seconds and watching about five good sized pigs and I dont know how many shoats break. The two dogs get in and catch one each about 80 to 90 with a little help from the strike dogs. The rest of that sounder broke. By the time we got the two pigs tied the new Lep dog and one of my rough cat gyps came to where the squeel was. They were at the other bay for a pretty good while. He had two poke holes and the Peaches had a pretty good cut on her front leg. I woud like to see what whooped her off. All in all it was a good hunt even with three of the seven dogs on the ground getting cut and one with a couple of pokes. Nothing a little PCN and stapples wouldnt fix. This is the look you get after your bulldog bites me on the shoulder trying to get to the pig on the ground. Needless to say he got a couple of left hooks to the nose. Justin's sorry azz was laughing trying to get a pic of me nose punching his dog when I turned around and saw the flash.  Me and Jordan  Justin and Uncle Kenny 
Let'em Hunt!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 11:03:13 pm » |
I didn't notice the other night but it looks like ole turbo is laughin at you. LMBO
pltx ken
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2011, 11:05:03 am » |
very nice man. Also thats some fine looking catch dog you got there on that trailer.
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2011, 11:07:34 am » |
Let's see som pics of the freeze brands!
Diamond G
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2011, 11:52:14 am » |
Thanks Kenny, but the catch dogs are Justin's. My gyp, I think, is coming in so I left her at home. I usually dont need a catchdog with my other dogs being so rough. It really suprised me to see them all baying. I guess gettin your butt whooped will do that.  Sam, the brands look like crap right now. Kinda scabed up. I think they will turn out nice when they heal and the hair grows back.
Let'em Hunt!
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2011, 04:15:45 pm » |
Yeah Sam they look bad right now, just scabs. But I'll take some pics of them when the hair grows back
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2011, 10:07:04 am » |
the dogs worked real good that night. Had to have been 15 to 20 hogs in that sounder.